Old, Fat, and still faster than you
Yet another reason to hate slime!
I hated slime from the start. My Grandfather taught me how to patch a tire and always told me "never put anything inside the tube but" air if I expected to ever get a flat.
The ONLY time I can see using slime is if I plan on replacing the tube. Opinions vary, but I've seen far too many horrible messes due to slime to ever use it myself.
Atv's especially....*shudders*
I hated slime from the start. My Grandfather taught me how to patch a tire and always told me "never put anything inside the tube but" air if I expected to ever get a flat.
The ONLY time I can see using slime is if I plan on replacing the tube. Opinions vary, but I've seen far too many horrible messes due to slime to ever use it myself.
Atv's especially....*shudders*