Exploding Slime Tube

Yet another reason to hate slime!
I hated slime from the start. My Grandfather taught me how to patch a tire and always told me "never put anything inside the tube but" air if I expected to ever get a flat.
The ONLY time I can see using slime is if I plan on replacing the tube. Opinions vary, but I've seen far too many horrible messes due to slime to ever use it myself.
Atv's especially....*shudders*
The small engine shop I worked in this past year had flat tires on every single ATV that came in for the most part.. Until we slimmed them Actually we used Briggs and Stratton brand sealer has even thicker particles in it. Works dang good! I would feel so sorry for all the little kids with flat tires.

Bike shops I go to here have slime in the back repair shop by the five gallon bucket. When I was a kid I patched tires constantly.. Took all the joy out of everything could hardly finish a day of riding. That is until discovering this stuff. Will use it to my grave.

Another thing is I don't store my bikes out side. I have road through many winter snow days in New Mexico and never had a froze tube or for that matter even a old bottle I dug up in a mans back yard.. doing landscaping.

We estimated it had been there in the factory untouched bottle for at least 5 years . Put in in the wheel barrel and that was that. Every landscaper , construction worker I know here has this stuff in their dollies and such.
Does slime only work when the tube is restricted by the tire?

What I mean is if you took the tube out and pumped it up would it then leak?

What I mean is does slime only work when it is restricted or under pressure with nowhere to go?

What I mean is I don't know how to describe what the **** I am trying to describe.
Does slime only work when the tube is restricted by the tire?

What I mean is if you took the tube out and pumped it up would it then leak?

What I mean is does slime only work when it is restricted or under pressure with nowhere to go?

What I mean is I don't know how to describe what the **** I am trying to describe.

For the most part, Slime needs to be under pressure to work. It won't work very well just sitting in the tube, you have to keep it rolling to get it to initially seal.

If Slime has already sealed the hole, it may work out of the tire, but I wouldn't count on it. A patch would be better in that case.
So, in other words it clots up, but doesn't dry, if you took out the tube and pumped it up it would leak again, but if the clot had nowhere to go because of the tire, it keeps in the air.
It plugs the hole but doesn't really fix it.
