EV Warrior


New Member
Did a search, but nothing specific.

Anyone know this electric bike? Just found one on CL for $150, but no charger. Seems they run between 18 - 20 mph on two 12v batteries and
is friction drive. One site mentioned something about Panasonic batteries.

Just don't know if it's worth goofing with especially since I just found out that electric assist bikes are illegal here. Go figure. Illegal only because the definition of a motorized bicycle does not include electric powered bikes. Electric powered scooters/mopeds are legal. Gas powered bikes are okay, but must follow guidelines for mopeds, ie; lights, mirrors, 50cc engine, etc. <sigh>
I know nothing about the brand but I think the mph is probably a tad bit overstated. I have built a lot of friction drive bikes and I like them. I can't believe they have e bikes as illegal anywhere. That is just plain nuts.
The EV Warrior's were expensive bikes back when they first came out. They were sold at Car dealers and if memory serves, they sold for over $1000.00 fully decked out? Staton Inc. I believe bought up alot of the spare parts for these bikes and still offers them for sale (see link) Results Page When they show up used here in SOCAL they seem to be selling in the neighbor hood of $500.00+-. If Staton dosen't have a charger you should be able to find one from a local Industrial Battery supplier. Or the bike would make a good platform for a gasoline rack-mount set up?

I saw a bike on ebay for over a grand bucks, also one for bids at 250 right now. As for the charger I use a 12 battery maintenance charger to do one at a time on my friction bikes. You don't have to unhook them. I don't think it would bother the controller to do it that way.
Yeah, who'da thunk that ebikes would be illegal. Although, I doubt the police would bother unless it's being used recklessly. Thanks for the info, guys. Price is right, but he sellers attitude is kinda lacking. I'll pass. Yeah, I do that. If the seller or buyer rubs me the wrong way, it's a no-deal. ;) Besides, the wife just made a deal on a neighbor's company car and I still have at least 2 scooters to sell off. So I was reminded. Sheesh. :-{
Yeah my wife and I had to form a compromise. I am allowed to have two bikes at one time no more.
That's the one I keep seeing at the University. It's blue, enclosed friction drive ? motor ?
I lock my moped next to it about once a week, I took some weak cell phone photos of it. I can get more real pics if needed. :D
Maybe leave a note to find out if they 're wanting to sell...
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Seems they're making a comeback, with the rising cost of fuel and unstable economy. Did a search and found that they're still making them, just not as expensive as they were the first go'round. Still looks the same as well, which to me is kinda ugly with that odd shaped plastic shell over the rear wheel. ;)
Actually I just got through my first one mile test ride of a hub motor. I am impressed but it is not a giant leap up from friction drive in my opinion. It is more efficient but how much more I don't know. Friction is cheaper to build by a long shot.

When you factor in the tire wear how long will it take to pay off the extra 200 bucks even a small hub motor cost to buy. I think it might be a hair faster and easier to pedal than a friction of the approximate equal power.

All in all I like them both for exercise for actual use as a commuter I would look at gasoline though. Just my opinion.
I have four EV Warriors that are great bikes
The one I ride most of the time (Metallic Green) has 1,800 miles on it and the only repairs have been to replace the roller pins.
Its an easy fix and the pins are simple roll pins that cost practically nothing.
The next two bikes ( Regular Green and Blue) have been ridden very little, so I removed the batteries and set the bikes aside. The fourth bike, a Beautiful Red one is Brand New and never been ridden.
I got these bikes through a friend that bought the bike companies bankrupt stock of some 250 units when the company went belly up. I have been able to find new spare parts and complete electronic assemblies including head light and taillight units, mirrors, controllers, rollers and numerous wiring harnesses.
I have found that the EV Warrior, being some 13 years old now, is still well ahead of its time and I have not seen anything produced today that even comes close to it.
What I do find depressing is that many of it parts such as the Bosch Electric motors are being scooped up for other applications that limits the stock for those remaining Warriors.
Fortunately, I also purchased several complete motor assemblies and housing frames for backup.
Its unfortunate that Bricklin got greedy and blew the whole organization as the warrior would be the leader in electric bikes today. I personally think they are anyway.
The EV Warrior is also very stylish and I ran across a new electric bike at a bike shop just recently that looked so antiquated and had a price tag of $2,700.
It was not as fast as the Warrior and the range was similar.
However it did come with Lithium Ion batteries.
I asked the dealer how much to replace the batteries and he said around $500.00.
These Warriors are looking better every day.
I just found out that electric assist bikes are illegal here. Go figure. Illegal only because the definition of a motorized bicycle does not include electric powered bikes. Electric powered scooters/mopeds are legal. Gas powered bikes are okay, but must follow guidelines for mopeds, ie; lights, mirrors, 50cc engine, etc. <sigh>

E-Bike were not mentioned in NH either. I figured no law on the subject, not illegal. I followed bicycle guidelines. Rode right by cops every night in downtown Concord. No Hassles. NH has a new classification for MB's, Motor-driven Cycle. I'm not quite sure what to make of it.This thread is a tad old, and your planning you build. I just thought I'd mention that.

Rokky- Thanks for the info! Intro's are customary. I imagine you was busting at the seams to pass along your info. I made the same error, not a really big deal. We just like to get to know our members to better help. :)
They are passing a new moped law here but they keep defining them in cc's and engines so I'm going with that does not apply to emotors.
E-Bike were not mentioned in NH either. I figured no law on the subject, not illegal. I followed bicycle guidelines. Rode right by cops every night in downtown Concord. No Hassles. NH has a new classification for MB's, Motor-driven Cycle. I'm not quite sure what to make of it.This thread is a tad old, and your planning you build. I just thought I'd mention that.

Nah, check out the other thread. I already have 2 ebikes. :D

Yeah, I guess on the other side, like you and Deacon said, if it isn't mentioned, it's a non-issue and is legal. Besides, the cops got better things to do than hassle an old fart riding AND pedaling under 20 mph on a bike. :D
I agree... If either of us was a pretty young woman in shorts and a halter top maybe we would need to worry.
Hi Guys,
here in California Motorized Bicycles come under two definitions.
One for an internal combustion engine and the other an electrical motor.
The electric can be with or without pedals for human propulsion.
They describe the electric bicycle as a vehicle with pedals and an electrical motor (not more then 1000 watts) which cannot be driven at speeds of more then 20 mph on level ground even if assisted by human power. The motor must stop when the brakes are applied or the starter switch is released. (VC 406b)
They further state that if you operate a motorized bicycle which meets the definition of (VC 406b) (that would be electrical) you must be 16 years of age or older.
Must wear a property fitted and fastened bicycle helmet.
You are exempt from motor vehicle financial responsibility, drivers license, and moped plate requirements.
It has been common knowledge that if you are over 16 years of age you are not required to wear a helmet, however this is not stated in the DMV handbook.

Now when it comes to a motorized scooter, that is defined as any two wheeled "device" with:
A motor, handle bars, and a floorboard for standing on when riding, and the option of having a drivers seat which cannot interfere with the operators ability to stand and ride and the ability to be powered by human propulsion. The motorized scooters exhaust must not be modified or altered.
In reference to the electric bicycle this is a little confusing because my Warriors are 900 watts which puts me just under the 1000 watt limit, however if I apply full electrical power and apply peddle power using the 6th gear I can exceed the 20 mph speed limit.
On occasion I have reached 45 mph on a decline.

Now when they refer to the motorized scooter there is no mention of electric power and from the description they seemed to be referring to a small stand on scooter with a gas engine.
Since there are electric scooters on the market that look like a Vespa and are under 1000 watts its confusing as to what category they fall under.
X-treme makes several models under 1000 watts that come with peddles and are supposed to qualify as a moped and do not require the M1 California license, insurance and plates.
I guess the only way to be sure of any of this is to go down to the DMV and find out in person.
However, that means waiting in line for hours.
I hope I have explained this properly as I think I have confused myself.
I just purchased two used ev warriors. Definite newbie, but they seem like nice bikes with decent range. I have a problem, though. The little security key needed to start one of the bikes is malfunctioning. It won't work in its case and, when the case is removed and the little battery inside fiddled with, it works briefly and will start the bike, but then stops working.

I've tried all the obvious stuff - cleaned and scratched battery terminals and battery, tried new battery, looked for loose connections on the board, but the problem stays the same. When the board with the battery installed is held in my hand the little red light showing power from the battery will come on for about 4 seconds, then go off, even when the battery is held perfectly still. And when the battery and board are placed back in their little black plastic protective case then the red light won't come on at all.

HELP, I can't use one of my new used warriors until I either 1.)find a way to fix this problem, 2.)bypass the security system so the bike will start when the power is simply turned on (last choice solution), or 3.) find someplace where I can get a new security key that will work with my bike.

Thanks for any advice.

I just purchased two used ev warriors. Definite newbie, but they seem like nice bikes with decent range. I have a problem, though. The little security key needed to start one of the bikes is malfunctioning. It won't work in its case and, when the case is removed and the little battery inside fiddled with, it works briefly and will start the bike, but then stops working.

I've tried all the obvious stuff - cleaned and scratched battery terminals and battery, tried new battery, looked for loose connections on the board, but the problem stays the same. When the board with the battery installed is held in my hand the little red light showing power from the battery will come on for about 4 seconds, then go off, even when the battery is held perfectly still. And when the battery and board are placed back in their little black plastic protective case then the red light won't come on at all.

HELP, I can't use one of my new used warriors until I either 1.)find a way to fix this problem, 2.)bypass the security system so the bike will start when the power is simply turned on (last choice solution), or 3.) find someplace where I can get a new security key that will work with my bike.

Thanks for any advice.


Check with the following EV Warrior parts guy for a new unit or he may be able to tell you how to bypass yours.
I have never had this problem as of yet.
Jon Geffen
General Manager
Electric Vehicle Division
Ron Tonkin Dealerships
122 NE 122nd Ave
Portland, OR 97230
Ron Tonkin Dealerships - Portland Oregon Area New & Used Cars, Trucks and SUVs featuring Honda, Toyota, Chevrolet, Nissan, Acura, Dodge, Mazda, Scion, Hyundai, Kia, Audi, Lotus, Ferrari, Maserati, Ducati Dealerships

His email address is [email protected]
It has been a long time since I was in contact with him, but give it a try.
His parts are expensive so if it was me I would try and bypass the unit.
You could check with an electronics guy in your area as he may know a way you can bypass it.
Good Luck.
I have a EV warrior original charger mirrors with blinkers a remote shut off set up and a few other things