engine oil???


New Member
Hey guys. I was looking at the specs the company from china that makes the Zbox engine gives us and i found this.
It says "Lubricating oil Two-stroke machine oil (or 10W/40, 10W/30 machine oil)"
Does this mean we can use normal 10w40 car engine oil and put it into the bottem end of the engine?
has anybody tryed this does it work??
This is what the website says.


In an extreme inland China emergency maybe. But used designed 2 stroke oil.

Motor oil has far too much ash (unburnable additives) for 2 stroke usage.
No pablo i actully mean putting the oil into the bottem end of the engine. under the piston??
Yer i woudent use it in my fuel.
Not a good thing either....actually worse.....you do know the case gets lube from the inducted fuel/oil....if you added motor oil to the case it would be scavenged as well.
This will probably help explain why dumping oil in the case won't work:

A two-stroke

Just use a good quality synthetic 2-stroke oil formulated for air-cooled motors and you'll be good.
Thanks for the info pablo joe and jason. I wasent to sure how eveything was keeped lubed but i get it more now.
Thanks for the info and the warning.
I do put a teaspoon of oil into the crankcase of the engines before I start them. I use, 2 stroke oil and not car engine oil.