Electric Schwinn Meridian Trike

Sorry to hear about your accident. Hope you heal quickly and well.

Nice to pay that kind of money and have the bike break like that. I'm sure that a lawyer would like to have that case.


Thanks fasteddy.

I called Currie and told them what happened and they were real nice and said they would take care of things.

Will let you know.

What a nightmare for their company.

And for me, I hope no one put one on their Schwinn because I showed it. :(

If anyone did then please don't ride it. You can get a free updated replacement from Currie if you want.
Sorry to hear about your accident. Hope you heal quickly and well.

Nice to pay that kind of money and have the bike break like that. I'm sure that a lawyer would like to have that case.


Currie took care of me today. No lawyer needed.

First class company when things went wrong.
That's great news. A quality company.

How are your injuries healing?


Getting better. Worst thing is not being able to ride.

This is the longest time without riding in 5 years or so. :(

I was a bikiing machine :) .wee.

Thanks for asking.

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Back to riding every day ! :)

Riding the same trike I wrecked helped my foot get better. :)

I got my electric Trek Soleride on the road and am now riding that.

Wife rides the trike. :)
that is real good news. electric bicycles are great fun. i ride mine every day also
i always tell them this old man is out getting his exercise and ask them if they want to thumb wrestle lol. actually i pedal enough with all the mountains around here i get a pretty good work out. would be impossible for me to enjoy without the assistance of a motor
Was riding it hard today and wrecked.

Freakin axle broke on the right side and for the second time in my life I took a hard hit to the head and lived to tell about it thanks to a helmet

Broke ribs and left ankle.

So I googled tricruiser broke axle and found this.


One year ago today. Ankle still pops now and then but works ok :)

The replacement rear end and axle Currie sent is working fine many miles later on and off road.

The A123 battery pack with cells from 2006 is showing no signs of giving up anytime soon :)

Battery cells that last 7+ years. WoW! ! ! :)

A123 started selling these cells cheap. Not fakes, real deal A123.

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