
Cool forum ( not that's something wrong with this one). They have subforum called "electric bikes for dummies" which explains all the basics for the E biking in short in one place (pretty much what I and few others wrote about that subject). Good reading.
Btw , as soon as I find time , I'll post in sticky thread the same stuff.
Sounds good to me. We might not have as many experts but I bet we have more people who think they are lol ME ME ME
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Well , here is more funny than anywhere else (with similar themes). I keep telling people what not to do and they still do it and results are quite entertaining :D
If you only do what people tell you to do, you don't really learn. And we do try to be entertaining here. Like one of the characters in one of my novels said, "You can beat me, you can starve me, you can even kill me, just please don't bore me."