Haven't tried it yet. The setup is on eBay for $30 so I will one day but for now I just want to get the darned thing going so I can ride it
The S5 E is the lowest HP version of the 50cc there is so I wont be raceing 12 mm carb is pretty tiny and a 15-16mm Dellorto is in mind right now. With the pipe I should be getting 4+ hp, easily double a HT motor. Even further down the road is a water cooled head from treatland. . I might get a whole 5 HP from the combination
Got all the parts I was waiting for, now just have to cut a gokart axle so I can take the brake disk off of it. I tried PB Blaster, no dice. The rust has welded the bearing to the axle so I'm cutting the axle off in between the brake hub and the bearing then grinding off the rivets holding the disk to the hub.
Still waiting to hear about my front wheel. The 4 cross thing didn't work so the builder is getting a new set of spokes. Should have it back early this week.
SO, I go out to the garage where my Airheart brake has been hanging on the wall for over 20 years annnnd, it's not there. I searched for over an hour, no luck. Well, there's been people around here that are more magpie than human. They will pick up anything shiney whether they can use it or not. Got the cable ordered already, the brake will have to wait until I can get money on my debit card. I just need all the parts so I weld it up right the first time
Oh, yeah. I got the front wheel back and it's nice. Paul did a real nice job for $60. I was expecting more.
Got up off my ever spreading postierior and got to work on the bike. Put the new blade on the band saw and cut the gokart axle between the brake and the rust-frozen bearing, zipped right through. Ground the tops of the rivets holding the disk to the brake hub and used a center punch to drive the rest of the rivet out. I'll just have to enlarge the holes to fit the engine sprocket. Waiting for the delevery of the brake caliper to start on fitting the parts together.
I worked on the front next. Used the band saw to cut the handlebars so I have the two pieces to make the split handles that I saw in an old post. Don't ask me to find it, it's pages back in some forgotten thread This allows me to have the large pullback bars I wanted. I really hated the bike handlebar setup on this bike, looked out-of-place. The original stem will most likely become a head light/controls bar. I put the front wheel on, too, so I can get a better idea of the look. I really like the way the Sturmey Archer F-XDD drum/dyno looks on the bike. It just fits so well. The supplied hardware is very good with the fork having a recess to fit the wheel holding saftey clip and nice capnuts that fit. Only problem is the brake rod clip does not go around the much thicker downtubes of the fork. I'm thinking a stainless steel screwclamp will do the job just fine
Today the back fender comes off. I'm going to need the lower space for the halfshaft diskbrake. I dont plan to cut the fender down, just rotate it back so the lower fender mount connects to the upper mount on the bike then the upper fender mount will connect to the sissybar I'll be making for the seat. Speaking of the seat, I'll be cutting off the top of the seatpost so it is inline with the top bar of the frame. To reinforce the spot I'll be welding in a plate to tie it alltogether. I'll be shortening the tabs on the fuel tank, too. I can easily shorten the tank 3-4" making a bigger seat possible. Once i get the things around the motor to line up then it's on to mounting the motor
Drilled out the holes on the brake disk and have it mounted on the 3/4" engine sprocket. The bolt diameter made it so I needed a thinwall steel spacer to seperate the parts. Scrounging through the parts piles I found a .75 ID pipe. It was the broken off end of a microphone stand my old lead singer broke. He'd push the stand forward at an angle then stand on the base. He busted off two before I caught him at it, dipwad At least now I have a length of pipe to make spacers from.
I'm still working on getting photos again. I don't know what the program wants but it's just not accepting photos. Guess I'll try an older chump camera just to get going again...
Grrrr...bad day today. Bending the coaster brake arm...brake broke. Went looking at eBay for a replacement, no love. Instead of being square like most the center is a .50 x .67 inch rectangle. If I have to I'm thinking a thick washer that has a 1/2" hole modified with a Dremel then weld an arm to it. The eBay arms could be modified but most of them are "L" shaped and there's the problem with bending them, too. Plus the cost I got a big nut and bolt place a mile from my house in one direction and a Fastenal place a mile and a half the other direction. I should be able to find a thick washer at one or the other...
I encountered a problem with my pineapple sprocket mount. In one direction the spokes line up perfectly. But the cross spoke just will not line up. Seems like the spoke circle on the hub isn't large enough for the spokes to line up correctly. If I don't like how it works I guess I'm in the market for one of Sargent Howard's hubs. The way I had to build it though there's some cushion. I had to use a rag joint rubber as a spacer because the tire is so wide. As my Morini's only 3.2 HP I might get away with it...all I can do is break spokes
Can't tell you how sorry I am about letting this slide. I've not been feeling well for quite a while but my doctor put me on new meds and I'm feeling much better and have more energy. I have all the parts I need to do this. Now I'm waiting for a new camera. I plan on posting youtube videos on what I'll be doing. I have dummyed up most of the fabrication I'll be doing, I haven't been totally lazy
Plan is to have it ready for a car show this spring. I'm disabled so I have nothing but time and I really want to get this going.
Well, got the new camera but the damned thing has no memory Ordering a card on the first from a US supplier, tired of wait for Chinee shipping. Also need to get to Harbor Freight to get a new cutter set for my air nibbler. Best way to cut sheet metal I've found. I need to cut a section out of the bike chain guard to clear the disk for the brake on the halfshaft. I also want one of those Sportman's hub adapter for the sprocket. I have a pineapple but weirdly half of the spokes don't line up. Rather than snapping half the spokes I need the hub adapter. Problem with that is power bill came today, a HUNDRED freaking bucks more than I expected Ah, well, I can get it next month. The cutting of mounts and welding I can get done when the micro DSHC card gets here.
I need to get this done, been jonesing to ride. I walk past the parts many times a day, thinking this goes here, that goes there. I will get 'er done