Dual stingrays w/sidecars a father son build

Heres a pic with a seat he scrounged out of the junk/parts pile. I think its off a mini bike that was out there.Let me know what ya'll think, on how it looks so far. My taste runs a little different then my sons.

Looks like a comfy seat. I have bought another banana seat as the one I have I found is not padded nearly as much. The one I got new only $30 has also padding on the sides a bit so I will be putting it on soon.

Just almost had time to try using my new double jack shaft 3 belt for 47:1 ratio for parade speed 3.5 to 5.5 mph.

I just realized that the small and big pulleys on the right side would have no problem being reversed, I will see how that would give a lesser gearing down and hope it is useful for dirt dike speed ratio. The belt would be the same legnth and only unless something does not clear the pulley, but I am going to look at my photos and when I try it running see what other ratio I can get without any more parts purchase or redesign.

On your stingray side car build, is that marine plywood? I suspect a good epoxy paint can seal the weather out. Also the chrome looks nice for the improvised fender!

Thanks for lookin ,MT, The wood floor of the sidecar is actually a special water proof OSB bought from ABC roofing supply. It is pricey but 1 sheet does 4 side car floors so 4 for 40$ isnt to bad. The rest of the car body will be metal.
Well got the seat mounted with small sissy bar/backrest lol. Starting to look like a rat rod, paint should cure that tho


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Can anybody ID this tank? It was stamped with Eaton Manufacturing Stamping Division--- Cleveland, Ohio


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My Son wanted to use this one instead of the one I ordered. Guess I have an extra tank for a future build. It was in bad shape, rotted bad were you see the smal holes in the pics. By time I was done cleaning it up there was a couple of big holes as well as numerous little ones. With a little patience it pulled thru ok. Oddly enough the inside was in good shape still bare and shiny for the most part. Some body filler and it should look pretty good. I still need to use tank sealer on it


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well my boy bondo ed the tank lol he has a LOT of sanding to do. He wasnt shy with the stuff thats for sure.


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Ordered jack shaft parts for this one from AGK ( order from them over BMI any day) they should be in tommorrow it post pics when installed
Ordered a 125cc lifan 4 speed today for my WWII clone/tribute gonna go with hand shifter beside the tank and foot operated clutch and throttle. Brakes will be on handle bars. I am also gonna build the frame with side car as one frame, basically a trike with offset tire. Foot boards instead of pegs. My 74 y.o. father got his MC endorsement so he can use it when completed. Hmmm, like the rest of my nicer builds its gonna end up under someone else butt.

RicksRides, those Horizontal Honda CRF-50's / Honda Mini Trail 50's clones are great engines!

Did I read the above correctly, gonna have a suicide shifter?

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Peace C.H.