Driving for Uber


Been driving for Uber weekends​. Really enjoy it! They lie about the money but it's a blast. Here in CT. it pays about 16 or $17 an HR Fri and Saturday nights and mornings. Drunks are not fun so I take a break from 15 minutes before & until 15 after closing time.

But normally, you meet some amazing people. Really is fun. Your kind of a Small part of someone's adventure. Ya should hear some of the stories! Ya get the bartender, priest thing and folks, knowing you can do them no harm just let fly. But mostly,it's just pleasent conversation. Other times, ya wanna give them Dr. Ruth's web address.

One thing that comes up a lot is how they have considered trying it out and driving. (Kinda why I posted this)

With the courier industry being in the state it is, I'm glad this is here! Not that it's great $ wise. But is amazingly dependible.

Gotta say though, my favorite part of this gig is if ya feel like working, you turn it on. When you get board or tired. Ya turn it off. That and job pressure is the GPS saying "turn left"

Beats the **** outta working.
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An engineer where I used to work drove for UBER for a few months after being laid off. He found a job in Illinois so I don't think he is still a professional driver.
An engineer where I used to work drove for UBER for a few months after being laid off. He found a job in Illinois so I don't think he is still a professional driver.

Ya see a lot of highly educated folks like engineers doing this, WB. They are fun to talk to. The really adventures, type folk.

How many passengers can you fit on your bike?

One comfortably. 2 if every one is real comfortable with each other.
(Bam! used that joke twice in 2 days! Can't say I don't recycle, Kioshk! snork.)

What is the real pay with car value, gas, and insurance per mile?
That's always the biggie, Tony. First part of the equation is what do you drive and what does it cost to drive a mile? City/HWY etc,.

But for me and driving a prius, I double what I think it costs to run an average hour and to make the math easy, I deduct $1 an hr. Picking and choosing the peak, surge and guaranteed hours, it varies between $16 & & $17 an hr. With the fed tax write off of .54 cents a mile, that is what I pocket. I use a app on my phone that does all the tax stuff for me. So basically your fuel and expenses are your taxes.

The app people are awesome. It's a startup and just really cool people. I ended up cyber hanging out with a couple of the team.


There's lots of apps that do this but this is the only free one that I could find. And now really like it and the support team.

Bet yer wishin' I just said $16 or $17 an hr in Hartford County, eh? lol.
(More in New Haven County, CT. ........ snork. I'll shut the **** up. said wall of text boy

Edit; I should be sure to say it varies greatly from area to area, by demand (can go up 3X) and by time of day.
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This is funny but actually did 2 courier jobs on a MB. A 20 minute gig took me 2 hrs but man, what a fun ride. It was from West Hartford, CT. to East Hartford. Had to cross threw the north end of Hartford then across the CT river. I charge a dollar a mile, right off .54 cents a mile and was on a MB! So my actual cost was, I'm guessing a nickle a mile including Motorbicycle depreciation, gas/oil.

Man!!! Fun day at work!

I'll be over here
My Buddy use to do the uber thing but he said Amazon pays better and he doesn't have to deal with drunks. What happens if a drunk barfs in your car? Do you clean it or does the drunk after he sobers up and who pays for the biohazard clean up kit?
What happens if a drunk barfs in your car?

On a night about 20-years ago, I was walking past City Hall in Manhattan, and happened upon a young girl being sick on the sidewalk. In typical NY fashion, others avoided her and walked on. She was in her 20s, well dressed, and I immediately deduced she was an office-worker who'd probably had too much to drink and was trying to get home. She wasn't outwardly drunk, she just couldn't hold her liquor, and her stomach proved it. Anyway, she was distressed, and just wanted to get home...which was somewhere Uptown. Seeing she was in no condition to navigate the subway-system, I decided to hail a cab for her. I pleasant Indian/Pakistani driver obliged. I explained the situation to him, gave him her address, and loaded her into the cab. 20 years later I still sometimes think about that guy's kindness, and wonder if he ended up regretting it.
On a night about 20-years ago, I was walking past City Hall in Manhattan, and happened upon a young girl being sick on the sidewalk. In typical NY fashion, others avoided her and walked on. She was in her 20s, well dressed, and I immediately deduced she was an office-worker who'd probably had too much to drink and was trying to get home. She wasn't outwardly drunk, she just couldn't hold her liquor, and her stomach proved it. Anyway, she was distressed, and just wanted to get home...which was somewhere Uptown. Seeing she was in no condition to navigate the subway-system, I decided to hail a cab for her. I pleasant Indian/Pakistani driver obliged. I explained the situation to him, gave him her address, and loaded her into the cab. 20 years later I still sometimes think about that guy's kindness, and wonder if he ended up regretting it.

Purty Awesome, Kioshk.

As a kid of 16 or 17. I was hitch hiking back to CT from Fla. A Cuban cab driver in NYC took pity on me and bought me a chicken and rice plate of food and gave me $20. He gave me his phone number and said if I didn't call him when I got home to East Hartford, he would hate me forever.

I lost his number before I got home.

I have repaid that $20 I don't know how many times. Just dunno how to thank that guy.
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I lost his number before I got home.

OH NO!!! That would HAUNT me!

It's all about paying it forward. That $20 reminds me of an instance from the same era. I was living in Bridgeport and was at the local Stop 'n Shop's bottle-return. It was Christmas Time, I was tight on cash, and was trying to increase it by turning two garbage-bags-full of used Budweiser cans into nickels. There was this old dude there ahead of me doing the same. I deduced from his attire and countenance that he was much worse off than I. Feeling the Season's Spirit, I decided to let him take my cans, feigning that I was just dropping them off. He thanked me heartily and genuinely wished me a blessed Christmas...me wishing him the same. When I got back to my car, I saw I had a six-pack of empty bottles, and I immediately saw an opportunity to really drive the Christmas Spirit home. I took a VERY precious $20-bill from my VERY thin wallet, rolled it up, placed it conspicuously in the mouth of one of the bottles andreturned nonchalantly with the 6-pack to the old fella, who by now was feeding two automated can-crushers. I said "Hey man, I forgot this!", and placed the six-pack on the ground next to one of his bags. We "Merry Christmased" each other one last time and I left smiling, imagining his delight when he found the suprise $20. It wasn't until later that day did it occur to me that there was a chance the poor fella may not have actually SEEN the $$$, and chucked the bottle...cash and all...into the smasher. THAT haunts me!
Funny Kmon. I normally preface that with "this haunts me, "

Just funny that you phrased it just like that.

I am a firm believer that a dollar ain't sheet. Until ya ain't got one.
(not having properly thanked that guy does haunt me. dunno how many 20s I repaid but never feels settled)
And purity cool you stopped for somebody in need.
Easier to keep tooling along.

I should go. Rainy morning work days are normally good. But....
Every weekend I get a text about bar hrs guaranties. Yesterday I was hanging out with friends and we got a pizza. I remembered I had a freebee thing from uber eats. (they will go to almost any restaurant for you) But if you use this code (CT only) they give you $10 your first order. Purty cool. So one guy downloads the app and we order a $25 pizza. I get 5 bucks when that code is used. So YAY. $25 pizza for 10 bucks. But talking to the uber eats delivery guy, he does not get the week end promos. I'm starting my own courier service like Uber but for packages because they do stuff like that. Gonna post a thread in the shop/swop section and ask your opinions.

But anyway. The guy who downloaded the app, dosn't get the 10 bucks off. But there is a button in the app and they send him a refund to his credit card within the hour.

If your in CT, use this code for the $10 bucks off when you get food delivered by them. When they give me the 5 bucks, I will donate it to ST. Jude's childrens hospital.

The website says ubereats is not available in ct yet, but it is.

Go to web site download app and than use code below link;


UE-0jgib (the "0" is a zero)
Every 500 rides, Uber resets your compliments thing and I wanna save this as supporting evidence for a CT. state biz grant I have applied for. (your tax dollars at work or WTF?, over...)

So saved em to a laptop and gonna here so they are safe and on a pro grade server.


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