Hello fellow motorbike riders and building enthusiast.I am 74yrs of age and liked bike riding. Due to back problems I cannot pedal a bike so I built a motorbike for myself as well as my grandson. He rides a lot and I the same. I also have a 250cc motorscooter which I tow behind my motorhome when my wife and I are traveling.
I live in Utah which provide many places to take my motorbike ormy scooter.I have come to this site many time for information so i thought why not join and meet fellow riders or just make friends .Hope I could provide helpful info as many other do. Than you for having me.
I live in Utah which provide many places to take my motorbike ormy scooter.I have come to this site many time for information so i thought why not join and meet fellow riders or just make friends .Hope I could provide helpful info as many other do. Than you for having me.