Don't Be A Target For Theft


Custom MB Buiilder
CRUISER, mentioned about a thief stealing his ride. J.C. Whitney has a lock that CRUISER got and after seeing it highly recommend for all of us. Looks like it can be mounted almost anywhere, and is CHEAP insurance for us all.
$30.00 + whatever beats wallking home anytime! Bologna sandwiches ain't that bad for lunch 3-4 days! rotfl Some of us have bikes with years and tears
in them. Take a look at them. And if you arn't online you can't read this anyway!rotfl (c)
CRUISER, mentioned about a thief stealing his ride. J.C. Whitney has a lock that CRUISER got and after seeing it highly recommend for all of us. Looks like it can be mounted almost anywhere, and is CHEAP insurance for us all.
$30.00 + whatever beats wallking home anytime! Bologna sandwiches ain't that bad for lunch 3-4 days! rotfl Some of us have bikes with years and tears
in them. Take a look at them. And if you arn't online you can't read this anyway!rotfl (c)

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Jc whitney is tooo big to search.
Thank You
i see guys in seattle lock their bikes to something and remove the seat and if they are going in someplace to work a shift they also take the front wheel.
ive seen videos on youtube where people leave bikes in high theft area and video tape them bacause they put a fixed gear on the rear of the bike they loosend the brake cables so when you pulled them they did nothing loosened up the neck so when you turned the bike went straight and put lots of dawn soap on the grips so they slipped off . it was very funny i cried for 20 minutes after watching people crash trying to steal a bike

YouTube - Bike Thief Revenge
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Handcuffs work great. I carry them in my pocket or a small leather case attached behind my seat. They're handy, quick and for the most part secure. Not many people carry around a handcuff key, and if you double lock them they're hard to pick. Cheap too. A decent pair is under twenty dollars and they make great conversation pieces. Watch out for kinky girls.
Here's where I got mine.
Discount Handcuff Warehouse - Quality Handcuffs
I usually start out just talking dirty to it but if that doesn't work...I'll choke it.
Ahhhmm, new scam guys, someone named "Diana Woods" claims to be your cousin and will resrect your family tree if you give "Her" all your data. All my family are dead so I played thier game just to see what would happen. Reverse IP 'ed them. Yep, Pakastan. Kabul is the city. Hope they like my "gift" rotfl Be carefull folks! Tramp (c)