Does slant head orientation matter?


New Member
Hello - I am new here and doing my first build. My bike is a cheap wally world Schwinn DelMar and the engine is a HT Grubee SkyHawk 66cc with the angle head. My question is does the orientation of the head matter at all on these engines?

The head came mounted with the plug pointed to the rear of the engine. If I can rotate the head 180 degrees so the plug points forward, then I can put the CDI where I want it and everything will fit. If not, then I need to splice extensions to the wires so they can reach far enough. So I guess a related question is if I cannon reverse the head, is there a problem extending the length of the CDI wires (the black / blue wires, not the plug wire)?

You can extend the cdi wires won't hurt anything. best to solder the connections and insulate them heat shrink wrap works good and makes for a clean look.
you can also buy spark plug wire in longer lengths the spark plug wire screws into the cdi and the spark plug boot. I like the copper core wire the best I think its 7mm wire take the wire with you if your going looking for a new wire so you will get the right dia of wire.
As for turning the head around I'm going to say you can. I don't have one of the slant head engine so I'm just saying it will work turned backwards I don't know if it will affect the performance.

I've turned the whole top end backwards which put the carb in the front and the exhaust in the back you do need to do some mods to the case so the ports will match the case and the cylinder
or if you just want to try it you can with out doing any case mods. the engine doesn't care runs good either way.
Grubees come with the head on bass ackwards. Turn it around and join the rest of the world.

Thanks for the input guys - I appreciate it. I've got a few CDI location options in mind now so I can do the head either way. Gareth - are you saying it should be the other way, or is either oriention ok as far as performance goes?
Thanks for the input guys - I appreciate it. I've got a few CDI location options in mind now so I can do the head either way. Gareth - are you saying it should be the other way, or is either oriention ok as far as performance goes?

Really doesnt matter, im sure some will say that the spark end should face the inlet for a better burn so turn it the other way.
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I started looking at HPV's(human powered vehic.'s)a few years ago,best configurations,how to power them (cheap transport,HYDROGEN POWER,electric and gas)I been around here awhile seeing the different builds.
Tonite sitting around schetching and thinking,I says to my self,self this is a 2 cycle engine,If u orient the a level position,It dosn't matter if the engine is upside-down and backward in the frame ,,it will still run and the chain would be long enough coming from up by the head tube location to use a recumbent bike double idler w/crank freewheel for a shifter set-up .
I started looking at HPV's(human powered vehic.'s)a few years ago,best configurations,how to power them (cheap transport,HYDROGEN POWER,electric and gas)I been around here awhile seeing the different builds.
Tonite sitting around schetching and thinking,I says to my self,self this is a 2 cycle engine,If u orient the a level position,It dosn't matter if the engine is upside-down and backward in the frame ,,it will still run and the chain would be long enough coming from up by the head tube location to use a recumbent bike double idler w/crank freewheel for a shifter set-up .

I wouldnt suggest running these things upsidedown, if you were to remove a used motor take off the jug and hold it upsidedown sludgy crap (unburnt oil) will dribble out from the botton of the caseing.
In a sealed motor this crap would pool up in the combustion chamber and would never restart.
Or would burn beacause the turbulence and extream heat is in the combustion chamber would keep it from building up.Actually with what u said ,I think that might keep the engine cleaner inside (I had'ent even thought of the sludge build upin a regular build)
Or would burn beacause the turbulence and extream heat is in the combustion chamber would keep it from building up.Actually with what u said ,I think that might keep the engine cleaner inside (I had'ent even thought of the sludge build upin a regular build)

you'd be a pioneer corgi1!