Thanks Wayne! Your build is anything but Rube Goldberg(who was he anyway). I admire the ability to have a low/hi, took a lot of thought on your part. I have been wrestling with a way to make a 2 sp direct drive, have several ideas but none are totally worked through. Have through a lot of testing optimized the roller in all operations but real slow riding, like down a rough gravel road. Need a smaller roller then. Making a stepped roller is no problem, shifting it is. Can move the engine, or move the roller, leaning on moving the roller. Any thoughts you/you all have would be appreciated.[/QUOT
A controllable stepped roller is a great idea!
If you use a 45 0r 60deg chamfer between steps, it should easily walk up or down steps while rolling, with even large diameter differences.
Look at an the varible speed fricton tranny hardware of an old Snapper self propelled mower, for parts and ideas about moving a stepped roller. Their fricton roller runs on a hex shaft and could be moved around on the shaft while being driven. You could take their roller and bolt a stepped one onto it, and use their hardware with some meds, I mean mods :~)