New Member
JerryC- Thank you for your service. But his was uncalled for, unfair, and an unjust attack.
I would hate to think that you were suggesting that i am accusing you as a "anti-American Military hater" but i have to be fair and call things as i see them.
The fact that you're in the military has nothing to do with the problem with his website processing your order and to then call him out in public and painting this as unsupportive of the miltary is unfair use of the patriot card and beneath the dignity of a U.S. soldier. When you do things like that it's a disservice to others serving.
Hello CoolCruiser. Lets get some facts straight and actually read and pay mind to the context clues within. I stated "that this company does not support the United States Armed Forces members stationed abroad. Military members overseas have American addresses from the US postal service that are made specifically for the few who do not have the privilege to protect and serve and home." This is a few posts up incase we forgot to read everything and just read what we like to. Perhaps i should have said that this "website does not support shipping" however the customer service did not either. I was simply refered to ship multiple times and hung up on. This is not a post to say that anyone is a hater nor a post to use what i do as a crutch. This "website" as already stated did not have an option to ship to my address and addresses like mine so i called hoping to still be able to place an order through the phone customer service incase they did not know about this issue or if they can make an exception. Now that we have some facts straight, it is perfectly acceptable that you CoolCrusier have no clue how this all works with shipping beyond the 50 states and wanted to put your two cents in however your comment on me using my "patriot card? really? I advise you read through the posts again and pay special attention on what i am saying before reposting some nonsense. Try putting your self in a case like mine aside of occupations and think about it again. Regardless i hope this can get resolved so others do not have this same issue.
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