Did anybody else notice


minor bike philosopher
The price of the china engine kits is inching up on ebay. I bought mine for 140 and change. Now they seem to be hitting $200 routinely for the same old kits. I think there needs to be a congressional investigation. Price gouging you know.rotfl
No I have not noticed, but it doesn't surprise me. As these MB's get more popular, of course the price will just go up. The price of bicycle's will start to go up as well, All I see on the local news is how bicycle shop's are selling record number of bike's. Soon even Walmart will raise their price and that will really suck.
The other day on the new's, they where showing people who where driving across the border into Mexico to buy fuel. Some are driving all the way from Phoenix. My Uncle has a 300gal tow behind fuel tank trailer, maybe I should sell fuel on the side of the road rotf
I'd say, if you can afford it, buy all the kit's you can now before it end's up like the price of fuel, stock up!!
I swear to you I'm going to learn to make a bike out of easily available lawn and garden tools.... The first one might cost me five hundred dollars but I will be able to build my bikes for peanuts after I learn how rotfl
I think I'm almost there.... mounted a craftsman weed eater, on a different drive wheel assembly with the same concept as the ebike. I could never get the gear to pull the last one. I'm sure I will get one someday.

today I rig a clutch of sorts, and attach a throttle cable then a kill switch. It should all be test ready today. If it doesn't fly apart and throw me under the bus, Ill have more.
I am going to get outbidded ! I just know it ! ! !

I got my first one for $102 on ebay. That may never happen again.

The word is out ! Those motors peg the cool scale meter ! ! !

Yes the kits are going to be as expensive as the honda kit is now. No telling what the honda will be. You know it's our own fault, well if you are like me I tell everyone who asks that I got mine of ebay. I haven't seen any around here yet but enough people have asked me about them. Surely one of them will follow through.
On the weedeater I got it up and going but I haven't been able to test ride it much. Before I get out of the drive something happens. I am having the most trouble right now with the clutch.the cable isn't behaving it keeps pulling loose. If it does it again tomorrow I have a trick or two up my sleeve.

I am learning enough to know what the next version will look like, I think. I need to ride this one to be sure about this kind of drive system before I move on. If I can do fifteen miles and hour on the flats and only pedal a little bit to go up hill, I might switch to the weed wacker. At least the motors wont double in price, since no one in their right mind would want one.
Yea I did. It's costin' the little guys more to fill up thier rickshaws and Gremlins
these days. Not to mention the poor dudes rowin' the boats that bring the stuff over here for us to play with. rotfl When I get some extra coins together
I am going to build an American bike. I will take a Schwinn trike put a G.E. garbage disposal motor on it, Run a chain drive to it, mount a Honda Genny (made in USA) in the little basket on the back to provide 110 V to the motor, put a *hit load of them plastic flowers around the basket so the COPS can't see a thing, and sell gas to the nice prople that can't read a gas gauge in thier 40 thousand $$ Jap. Car, for only $6.00 a gallon. If they complain I'll tell
em I work for Microso*t!rotfl
Hmm. Maybe I oughta just borrow the money from my son for the 2 kits I'd like to buy. He's been working enough overtime and can pay him back when I sell my scoooter. Yeah, that'll work pretty good. :) Thanks guys. (?) :D
Well when I find the right bike and get enough time, I'll have the china girl bike, the ebike, and I hope the weed eater since I have it about figured out. That's it for bikes and me.

The ebike is fun but not even practical for short trips since it doesn't have even five miles of range for some reason. The weed whacker is the way to go for friction drive I think.
I noticed one seller was getting more for some of his motors on eBay than he asks for on his website !

I got a super deal from a dealer on an ebike kit by reading and hanging out on this forum !
