Deleted Threads


New Member
Apr 17, 2010
South Florida...brrr
I started a thread "Two things that could save your life"

Its been deleted but for what reason I wonder. I didn't cuss anyone out or anything.

Just wondering why and would appreciate knowing if anyone else has experienced this.

I'll swear I did not do anything that would cause this.

Sidewinder Jerry

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
Rockwood, TN
Contact one of the moderators and ask them. I remember the thread but didn't read it however. Often when a thread is deleted it is because of a confusing nature about the information. It may be as simple as rewriting it so its not confusing.
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May 25, 2008
I deleted it for several reasons. First the title was misleading and inflammatory. It started out stating that not replacing the ragjoint and stock tensioner would cause bodily harm. I, like many others have not experienced what you are reporting.

New folks have enough to absorb with out this sort of misleading much less think they need to buy additional hardware "....that could save your life"

Then when longstanding members disagreed with you, you were less then pleasant and argumentative.

This post sealed it's doom;

"I showed the Kip Springer tensioner to my neighbor who by the way is a mechanical engineer for NASA. His statement exactly, its looks nicely done with the solid mounting to the case and 100% better than the "suicide tensioner" that came with your kit.

Just because you're a tool and can perform miracles on the cheap does not mean everyone else can do the same with good results.

There's not a doubt in my mind that if you took a poll on what causes the most problems in setting up a motorbike, the rag joint and "suicide tensioner" would be pretty close to the top of the list."

"suicide tensioner" Twice and is a very, very poor choice of fluffery.

If you wish to sing the praises of a product or products you like, have at it.

This seemed more like alarmist promotion and you can do that in the swap shop section as long as there are no scare tactics and it is worded worlds apart from that thread.



Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2008
In the internet age, it is difficult to distinguish between facts and opinions. There is nothing wrong with opinions, but they may be true for only one person or a few persons; not for all. Opinions are welcome, but we shouldn't present info in them as valid for all or in all situations. Newer members do not know the difference.


Active Member
Oct 21, 2012
LOL! Now I want to read this flushed thread! I recall seeing the subject-line often, but ASSUMED it'd begun with a "WEAR YOUR HELMETS AND MAKE SURE YOU HAVE FLASHING LIGHTS IN FRONT AND BACK" post.


Old, Fat, and still faster than you
Oct 8, 2011
memphis Tn
I'm sorry if I contributed to the problem.
I get annoyed when I see people telling newcomers how they NEED some expensive aftermarket part which, while much nicer than the stock stuff, is not actually needed to enjoy the hobby. These bikes appeal to me because they are so affordable for the average joe. High-priced aftermarket stuff has it's place, but I still maintain you can get great results with nothing but the stock kit and some careful attention to assembly and maintenance.


New Member
Apr 17, 2010
South Florida...brrr
I'm sorry if I contributed to the problem.
I get annoyed when I see people telling newcomers how they NEED some expensive aftermarket part which, while much nicer than the stock stuff, is not actually needed to enjoy the hobby. These bikes appeal to me because they are so affordable for the average joe. High-priced aftermarket stuff has it's place, but I still maintain you can get great results with nothing but the stock kit and some careful attention to assembly and maintenance.
Hey no problem. I just think the newcomers are the ones that should be aware of anything available that will make the install easier and safer. I cannot think of anything more troublesome than the stock rag joint and the tensioner for a first time builder.

I guess I'll keep my opinions to myself from now on as freedom of speech can get you in trouble on this forum.


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
Another issue that you were made aware of in several posts in that deleted thread was your insistence on using large colored font. Doing so is considered poor forum etiquette. It's the same as yelling, something that most find offensive. Several members asked you not to do it but you ignored them and continued which added to the opposition to your opinions.
You might consider this in any future threads/posts.



Old, Fat, and still faster than you
Oct 8, 2011
memphis Tn
Hey no problem. I just think the newcomers are the ones that should be aware of anything available that will make the install easier and safer. I cannot think of anything more troublesome than the stock rag joint and the tensioner for a first time builder.

I guess I'll keep my opinions to myself from now on as freedom of speech can get you in trouble on this forum.
No problem Karryhunt. I'm just looking out for the newbs who don't know any better. I never intended any offense to your point of view. I'm all about affordable and making the stock(cheap)stuff work better.
BTW, the deletion was NOT to censor you, it was to avoid any further drama.
EVERYONE is welcome here if they behave.
I've been disciplined myself in other forums for getting too involved in a "discussion" so I try not to go too far because I love this forum. There is much good info here and I want access to it!


New Member
Apr 17, 2010
South Florida...brrr
I deleted it for several reasons. First the title was misleading and inflammatory. It started out stating that not replacing the ragjoint and stock tensioner would cause bodily harm. I, like many others have not experienced what you are reporting.

New folks have enough to absorb with out this sort of misleading much less think they need to buy additional hardware "....that could save your life"

Then when longstanding members disagreed with you, you were less then pleasant and argumentative.

This post sealed it's doom;

"I showed the Kip Springer tensioner to my neighbor who by the way is a mechanical engineer for NASA. His statement exactly, its looks nicely done with the solid mounting to the case and 100% better than the "suicide tensioner" that came with your kit.

Just because you're a tool and can perform miracles on the cheap does not mean everyone else can do the same with good results.

There's not a doubt in my mind that if you took a poll on what causes the most problems in setting up a motorbike, the rag joint and "suicide tensioner" would be pretty close to the top of the list."

"suicide tensioner" Twice and is a very, very poor choice of fluffery.

If you wish to sing the praises of a product or products you like, have at it.

This seemed more like alarmist promotion and you can do that in the swap shop section as long as there are no scare tactics and it is worded worlds apart from that thread.

The reasons you listed above for deleting my post is pretty lame Imo.

I get the message and if I have an opinion about something I feel is important in the future, I'll keep it to myself. Tensioner fail>>>>>.bf.


New Member
Apr 17, 2010
South Florida...brrr
Another issue that you were made aware of in several posts in that deleted thread was your insistence on using large colored font. Doing so is considered poor forum etiquette. It's the same as yelling, something that most find offensive. Several members asked you not to do it but you ignored them and continued which added to the opposition to your opinions.
You might consider this in any future threads/posts.

Wow, you guys are tough on me, CAPS is yelling....I wasn't yelling. And I never read any rules that say I can use color type. But if it bothers you that much I will not use it on any future post


Active Member
Oct 21, 2012
Geez Karry, why so passive-agressive? There's a very clear difference between "rules" and "etiquette". And just for the record, I'm a college educated Mechanical Engineer with 20 years of practical experience; I was a total chain-breaking, piston-seizing n00b when I constructed my first build just last year. Please avoid further intelligence-insulting hyperbole such as "suicide" and "mechanical engineer for NASA"; a seasoned engineer can recognize the elegance and simplicity of a properly installed tensioner, plus I doubt that anything related to the simple though temperamental mechanics of our little girls would be in the purview of a NASA ME. It'd be like having a physicist help a technician repair a TV.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2012
My degrees are in math & physics & engineering & industrial arts, but I don't use them overmuch with these as in 100s of them, I've not yet seen two motors the same or even similar enough to create benchmarks or any other metrics. Got to feel & sniff your way thru each one.


Old, Fat, and still faster than you
Oct 8, 2011
memphis Tn
Yeah, they might LOOK similar, but each one has a distinct personality all it's own.
Even more so than the early european dirtbikes like Bultaco and Maico.
They can be seriously Jekyl and Hyde.
Ya gotta know just how to tickle them to get them happy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2013
My degrees are in math & physics & engineering & industrial arts, but I don't use them overmuch with these as in 100s of them, I've not yet seen two motors the same or even similar enough to create benchmarks or any other metrics. Got to feel & sniff your way thru each one.
Yeah, they might LOOK similar, but each one has a distinct personality all it's own.
Even more so than the early european dirtbikes like Bultaco and Maico.
They can be seriously Jekyl and Hyde.
Ya gotta know just how to tickle them to get them happy.

Sounds like most of the women I know.........keeps it interesting!!


Old, Fat, and still faster than you
Oct 8, 2011
memphis Tn
Sounds like most of the women I know.........keeps it interesting!!
Nah, women are easy to keep happy.
Just throw money at them.
Wait...that works for engines too!
They ARE just like women!
The cheap ones always break your heart after a few months of partying....
and they make you go broke trying to save them.

Sidewinder Jerry

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
Rockwood, TN
Karryhunt people here are only trying to help you make better post. Your word is only your opinion unless you have facts and statistics to back it up. The source of those facts and statistics also need to be available for others to look up.

Often when I write post I write phrases like "Personally I prefer Staton Inc as a dealer". If there's a product you seem to like tell others why you like it. I hope this helps and want to see more post from you soon.
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