In the event that your petition is taken seriously, and our bikes were classified at some national level standards, it would probably give cops more reason to crack down on custom bikes easily capable of exceeding a national speed limit, and cause riders much more hassles to build bikes that are legal, with all the mandatory safety equipment, as well as having to have them inspected, registered, and documented.
Many states, cities and towns let these bikes fly under the radar, and by bringing attention to them at a national level would make them enforce laws (mostly already on the books) that they were previously ignoring.
Asking a federal government to allow you to basically go faster, seems pretty pointless, as trying to explain to any lawmaker that you want to go 50+mph on a walmart bicycle would sound pretty stupid to them. Or to anyone, for that matter.
If your town sucks to ride in, move. Or get another hobby. Don't drag every state down with you.
That's my opinion.