Dax Engines?

Okay I decided to just call Dax and talk to him. He was great and spent about 1/2 hour on the phone answering all my questions. The verdict seems to be going with the XC50S engine and chain drive kit. Friction is good, but not the greatest with lots of rain and snow and I live in Canada and Europe has lots of rain. He says the expected speed is upper 20's mph, 12 lbs for the motor and about another 8lbs for chain drive kit. Only spare parts he recommended was a clutch kit. Expected millage with this setup is about 120mpg {WOW!}. Forgot to ask how loud the motor was though. I would presume a lot better than a 2 stroke but...? Thanks for all the info and help Dax! {Duane?}
anyone know how many RPMS these top out at?

The XC50S is good for ~7500-8000 sustained. It can rev higher for short bursts, but it makes max HP around 7000-7500RPM.

If you keep oil in it (they rarely leak or use oil) and don't overrev it, you'll get thousands of miles/kms out of it.

I recommend occasionally using some upper cylinder head lube in the gas, like Marvel, Lucas, or Redline.
The verdict seems to be going with the XC50S engine and chain drive kit.
Are you mounting the engine in-frame?
That chain pocket bike gearbox is a weak link that is prone to failure.
Bikeberry sells it too.

Is Dax selling the single or double chain gearbox now?

The problem with the Titan 4 stroke is that there aren't many
good gearboxes for it.
Gasbike.net may be selling the right 4 G gearbox for that motor
style that has the tapered shaft and the gearbox built into the side
of the motor.

I still think that your best choice would be the Grubee 4 G kit from
Duane or (dax) is an awesome dealer. The way he sells his engines and kits now is superior to others on the market. All the engine hardware is swapped out for 12.9 grade hardware. He puts stainless steel head-bolts, the clutch is set right, and the parts that come with the kits or sold separately are much better quality. Best part is he provides a warranty with all of his parts and engines. Even if it is after the expiration, he'll still honor it. My two cents is... "you get what you pay for". You can take your chances buying a motor elsewhere trying to save a penny; and end up buying 2 or giving up. Or. For a little more you can buy from a vendor that stands buy what he sells, and offers great customer service.

I do agree with the comment you get what you pay for. But, Dax prices re cheaper than many other vendors I seen selling similar 2 and 4 stroke kits.
I do agree with the comment you get what you pay for. But, Dax prices re cheaper than many other vendors I seen selling similar 2 and 4 stroke kits.
Welcome to the forum Joshua2012. It is always interesting to see new members suddenly join the forum and their very first posts concern venders? Shoot a competitive price to boot sounds pretty sweet to me!(^)

I myself have had great relations with Dax so far.
I do agree with the comment you get what you pay for. But, Dax prices re cheaper than many other vendors I seen selling similar 2 and 4 stroke kits.

Dax is not expensive, he is very reasonable. However you can get things cheaper than from him, but you are very unlikely to get anything of his quality and support for anywhere near what he charges. He is incredible bang for the buck. for a few bucks more than you pay for junk, you get much better quality!
For my first build I bought my engine and a couple goodies from Dax to get me started, then a couple more orders from him and the guy has been great. I will buy my engines from him in the future and what ever other stuff I need that he sells.