Cylinder wear

We're looking at buying a new jug, and probably rings. What DO your rings looks like? They should be flat and nearly shiny too. What made you disassemble to begin with? Noise? Compression loss?
Well, she kept quittin on me after about 20 minutes or so and wouldn't restart. I think I just ran it out of fuel, the second time, but the first time, it still had some in there. By the way, I bought the new speed carb-seems like it's using fuel up faster. Is it a bigger jet? If so, that means it should be richer, which I would prefer anyway.

Rings and piston look fine, machine marks are still there. Plug too. Everything's just black and oily as usual. Compression is a solid 150. This thing doesn't even have 100 miles on it. It seems sluggish, but I noticed a while back that removing the muffler cap really gives it a lot more power. I'm working on that problem as well. P/C clearance is 10 thou.

I already ordered a new jug yesterday. For 25 bucks, what the ****. So is it worn chrome or aluminum transfer? Did it get too hot?
I believe the nt speed and stock carb have the same size jet. The nt speed carb has a slightly bigger throat.
the old speed carb had a smaller venturi - I have not measured the new model with pink filter (I usually just toss them)
I just cannot tell from the picts.
"Sounds" like you scraped the chrome off. Heat can do that, so can too much fuel.
How many miles? What fuel/oil mix? What type oil?
Coud it be fine grit getting past the air filter foam?

Inquiring minds want to know.
I've got over 1000 kms on mine, 32:1 various oils but usually semi synthetic.
I suffered some damage early on from grit getting by the cheezy foam air cleaner.
Use a good thick foam filter now.

How can too much fuel damage the chrome? As I stated, I've gone less than 100 miles. Standard cheap oil, 32:1. I'm running premium-I don't know if i need to, the compression is 150 psi. I'm not sure what the comp ratio would be. I was running the crappy stock air filter. I ordered the cone type instead.