Cylinder Head - Temperature

For other 2 stroke engines, I desire a minimum of 200 deg F and run it anywhere from 200-250 deg F. I run a blended 2 stroke containing a percentage of castor oil. Castor oil will protect your engine at higher temperaturs that break down synthetic oil.

I once ran an engine hard causing the head to turn cherry red climbing a steep hill (3+ hours of full throttle running/lugging engine at a very slow forward airspeed) in the mountains using a castor blended oil and the enigne never seized on me. I rode that engine for another 2 years before I traded the bike towards a 20+ year old beater Jeep.
Since the engine is air cooled the cylinder head temperature will depend on the ambient temperature.

In mild temperatures up to about 85 degrees mine runs around 250, but over 90 degrees I've seen closer to 300.

This is checking near the spark plug hole with a IR thermometer.
Hi there guys,

I saw an article that describes the temperature range of a 2 stroke engine..but i couldnt find, anyone knows?

What temperatures we reach on these engines?

What you think about this: Trail Tech TTO Temperature Gauge 14mm Spark Plug fit on eBay (end time 23-Dec-10 04:48:46 GMT)

Not sure where to find that article.

As stated by others...180-315 degrees seems to be about right.

I run a TTO Trail Tech Tachometer and it is a fine little instrament, I'm sure their temp gauge/monitor is quality as well. Currently I've been running Venom Micro Temp monitors with peak temp memory and find it a very useful tool indeed. It's nice to know what your engine is doing, instead of just guessing.
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