Creatives Billet Head

next time i go to justins and bring tools i'm gonna measure it up and check the dome on the piston will let yall know soon!!!
oh sorry with the holidays and all I havent made it there. I am supposed to be going there soon to pick up an ez kit for one of his bikes i will do it then sorry.
I don't know what performance is, but be careful. I may not be the oldest member but I know A LOT about tuning 2 strokes. The thing you need to be careful of is the fact that our tiny little motors sometimes fight the added compression rather than enjoy it, and the performance goes down. I have heard it before over on the goped forum. You add compression and even if you have other mods as well, dyno tested hp often goes down. The high performance heads are best left to 2 stroke motorcycles and jetskis in my opinion. Hope that helps!
I think the easiest way to find out if your engine will run better with added compression is to take off the stock head and re-install it without the gasket. I know that will not change the shape of the stock head but it will bump up the compression. I installed a stock slant head on a non-slant engine without a gasket and it made a huge increase in power. You never know with these little POS engines...
I think the easiest way to find out if your engine will run better with added compression is to take off the stock head and re-install it without the gasket. I know that will not change the shape of the stock head but it will bump up the compression. I installed a stock slant head on a non-slant engine without a gasket and it made a huge increase in power. You never know with these little POS engines...

did the head leak any without the gasket? if not i might try it. mines a slant head
I found going with a beer can works well and its a little slimmer than the stock. copper also works really well good luck!