create a "how to" section


New Member
Jun 7, 2008
I think it would be a great addition to this site to have a "how to" section where there would be pictures along with written instructions on how to do everything from mounting the engine to a bike frame up to more complicated things like redrilling the main jet or changing the piston rings. I know there are many how to threads throughout the site but they are sometimes very time consuming to locate and some things I dont even know if they are out there like how to redrill the main jet.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2008
Aztlán, Arizona
I hear you Howitt, we've had a few discussion's on how to make it easier...I've got a few ideal's but still working on them.

If more member's would make "how to" it would help out alot. It take's alot of time...Work, family, the forum, projects.. it's hard to find the time. alot could be found in the...Classic Instructions for Building and Repairing Motorized Bicycle Engine Kits - Bicycle Engine Kit Classic Posts at Motorized Bicycle Forum "classic"

And like me, I have not build a new kit in a while...I don't want to tear my bike apart just to make a " how to"..I have not even had to do any repairs..but trust when I do.. I will make a post with pic's and if possible youtube vid


New Member
Mar 21, 2008
Treasure Coast, Florida
I am ashamed to say that I do alot of modifications, and post alot of them, but fail to take pictures. Its just once I get started I am totally into it, and am done before I think about taking pictures. I like posts that show pictures while "in progress". I will try harder in the future........


Active Member
Mar 1, 2008
Aztlán, Arizona
Yeah I've been working on a bigger list. Thier is alot of "how to" here, those are the one's where the thread name actually match's the post.

The rest are under a thread name that doesn't go with it so they are hard to find..It's gonna take time...There is over 17,000 post!! I've only scratched the surface.