Cracked Tubing


New Member
My bike has always swayed back and forth side to side while pedaling when I have the heavy battery pack on the back of the bike. Today I happened to look down and I noticed it was moving side to side from one spot. This spot is where I had a custom bracket for my gas engine. The crack has started from that spot and made it's way around the entire tube. I even noticed one forming on the bottom tube as well. This has me concerned.

I really like the bike frame I have it would be a bit of a pain to transfer my Electric Kit on to a different frame. Can this be welded or any sort of macgyver trick I can do to strengthen the frame again ?

re: Cracked Tubing

If you know a good welder it can be welded back. The best way is to put a patch over the broken spot and weld all the way around the patch. A good welder will know how to fix it..........
re: Cracked Tubing

You could sleeve it with two halfs of similar od tubing wrapped and welded in place around the porblem area, personaly i would cut the whole tube out and weld in a new one.

Best of luck getting it sorted anyway...

Re: Cracked Tubeing

Can this be welded or any sort of macgyver trick I can do to strengthen the frame again ?

A macgyver trick you could try on your seat tube. Remove your seat and seatpost, now find another seatpost or piece of tube the same thickness. Slip this down inside your downtube so that it will sit above and below the crack then drill a couple of holes above and below the crack, then you can slip in a couple of nuts n'bolts to hold it. Make sure the tube you insert still leaves enough room to slide your seatpost back in. As to your Downtube?

Other wise do as Kim/Aussiejester suggested and cut out the bad and have new pieces welded in.

Pay a visit to your local dump/recycle center, you sould be able to pick up an old bike that you can cut out the pieces that you need.
