countershaft sprocket options


New Member
i find on my motorcycles it is much faster,easier and cheaper to change the countershaft sprocket to get the correct ratio for my style of driving one tooth in the front is approximately four in the rear. are diff size countershaft sprockets available?
Spencer welcome to the forum :D I have gone up a 9,000ft mountain with a 36t sprocket in 19 miles. I did have to do a little pedaling but not much. I have switched to a 44t sprocket basically because we have a 20mph speed limit and we have lot's of elevation change here in AZ. I have not been up that mountain yet since I went to the 44t but hopefully soon and plan on making some vid's for youtube.
Check out my post going up A mountain
shoulda got the 36tooth sprocket....44 is too slow and has plenty of low pulling power. got my bike engine installed finally with not much help from the kit i should add. discarded alot of the hardware the kit came the cheezy throttle grip assy that broke b4 i even put it on!!! i drilled and tapped the clutch cover holes to 1/4-20 and put in nice stainless fasteners,etc...modified the chain tensioner and will make it even better soon. i believe i have found a new Dell'Orto carb at work and plan to install it asap.....will be very tuneable. then i plan on shaving the (milling) head some and do some porting work. now if it only had four more gears...!!! still breaking in in the chain and sprockets and clutch too. too bad its not a wet clutch system as i wonder how long the primary gears can last and they sure are noisy. leaving now to search for a rear sprocket online...Kings maybe or spookytooth perhaps