Computer Viruses

I went to a linux from cd and have never have malware, spyware, or virus since, but it does seem ot want mate with other computers on line.
If I ever needed to hack a simple windows program back in the day I used linux programs!:D Henceforth all their back doors...

I swear the folks that make anti spy ware work in the same building so to speak. The folks that work upstairs invent it. The folks downstairs sell you the cure. No one is ever safe..

in some cases that is actually 100% true, in europe (most notably the ukraine) they have virus writers that people hire straight out of college, then after they're done infecting you there virus has a pop up selling protection for $50 or so, and if you pay it they make it go away, they even set up a call center in case you were so heavily infected there basic method wouldn't work, because credit card companies forced it since people were doing charge backs after the virus removal was unsuccessful with standard methods.

so yeah in some cases you're totally right.
Since others seem to be able to give links to other websites with no problem, I would encourage going to for the skinny on computer security. He also has many things about how to configure windows (including SuRun). A real eye opener!
Since others seem to be able to give links to other websites with no problem, I would encourage going to for the skinny on computer security. He also has many things about how to configure windows (including SuRun). A real eye opener!

links are available after you make a certain number of posts, it's to avoid spam from commercial interests.
I am surely not interested in spamming anyone, I don't even have a website. I only hope for people to find Windows enjoyable again, and blacklisting (antimalware) is too much work. Whitelisting (like linux) is the way to go. Whoever would complain about people breaking into their house if they were unwilling to put locks on their doors?
Yeppers Joe. Your amongst friends and we know your not a spammer. Not to speak for Matt but he is right. just sayin' the # of posts thing is true and works. Like any forum, we (and now your one of us. the few, the proud and underpowered)((MBer joke)) get slammed with unfun spam stuff.
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