Compression problems. My first kit.


New Member
Hey everybody.
This is my first bike engine kit, and I just got everything installed the other day. It started up fine and ran perfectly yesterday. Today I started pedaling and nothing happened. The engine wont pump. When I release the clutch, there is hardly any resistance. All the gaskets are on fine accept for the exhaust gasket. A little piece at the top cracked and fell off, so there is a small small gap at the top where the engine and exhaust meet. Could this be the problem?
Exhaust gasket is not related. Is your clutch slipping? Is the cable adjusted OK? If so Try tightening the flower nut on the right side under the cover. Your kit should have instructions for that at least.
Yea, I think your right. It looks like it is slipping. I couldn't get to the flower nut because the cover is on too tight and I keep stripping the screws, but I got the cover off of the other side where the two gears are, and the smaller gear doesn't move with the bigger gear. The inside plate of the bigger gear moves but the part that surrounds the plate won't move. Anyway, I don't really know what I should do now. Any suggestions?
Is your clutch cable adjusted too tight? What happens when you pull the cable off the arm, will the clutch grab then?

BTW the cover you got off was the one that Pablo was talking about.
try adjusting the clutch by loosening the cable a bit before you start messing with the flower nut.

if the cable is disconnected and the bike still moves, then you gotta do some other adjustments. try it and get back to us.
Yea I loosened that clutch wire all the way up, and the bike still moves with hardly any resistence. If I push the bike, I can hear the engine pumping every once and a little while, but if I try to ride the bike and then release the clutch, the engine doesn't pump at all. Well, untill I get any other ideas, im going to tinker around with it for a little while. I appreciate all yall helping me out. Hopefully we can get this fixed.
Well i got it running again today. Not quite sure exactly what i did to get it going again, but i adjusted that flower nut, and adjusted the choke wires. Well I thank all of you who gave me suggestions. I appreciate the help.
Way to go - did it by yourself. That way you will be an expert quickly and keep the bike running at all times!

But there will always be stymiestumper questions.
HELLO every one i am having the exact same problem. it's a new motor it started up 4 awhile road it around the block & now it has no compression i can ride the bike with little resistance it wont pump and i have 2 bikes with this problem please help Pablo or anyone
well the 1st bike aka GIANT does nothing with the cable unhooked no pump action. now bike 2 has pump action when you pop the clutch while riding the bike real slow every once and awhile they both are new motors come from the same place the GIANT I've been riding 4 awhile
bike one does nothing when i unhooked the cable. no pump action now bike #2 has pump action when you pop the clutch while pedaling slow every once and awhile
For bike #1, you will need to adjust the flower nut. Your manual should have instructions on this. Bike #2, try loosening the cable a bit by unscrewing the little clamp at the end of the cable and moving it out a little bit, retighten.
Take the clutch cable off of the lever sticking out of the engine. If the engine turns over, loosen the clamp at the end of the cable and slide it out a little, retighten. If you take off the cable and nothing happens, you will need to take of the right side cover and adjust the flower nut according to your instructions(or maybe someone will explain- I don't know how)
Don't start making 'adjustments' just yet....try cleaning the clutch plate and pucks first. How much grease is on the gears in there?