Nate D
New Member
So coming from many years of car tuning including extensive work and knowledge on turbos, one thing I am a very firm believer of is having a good intake set up. These china girls with their intakes in the rear get the used and abused warm air after it has been heated by passing over the cooling fins. I rigged up a scoop which delivers air from a much cooler location. I notice a slight power increase at higher speeds and a 1mph increase in speed. Throttle response seemed better at lower speeds and slight torque increase. The mod was free just used some tubing, adhesives/sealers and a soda bottle. LOL Would love to see some other mods of this I'm sure someone can come up with some even better ones given a little more time. I made this in half an hour. Comments? Do check out my ride as well.
Getting much cooler air to that carb now.
Getting much cooler air to that carb now.