clutch problems

kyl 46&2

New Member
just got done doing the overall inspection before my first run of the season. unfortunetly i seem to be having clutch problems. when i release the clutch it doesn't seem to engage the piston. i can pedal clutch out with little resistance. i tried to adjust the cable arm thinking it may be to tight, but did nothing. anybody here got any advice.
I'd say take the clutch cover off and make sure that the pressure plate is pulling down tight against the pucks when you let all the way out on the clutch handle.

Sounds like you may possibly have something that is stuck.

Did you have the clutch lever locked back so the clutch was disengeged while it was stored up?

If so this could be why it is stuck in a way that wont let the clutch engage with enough pressure not to slip.

After taking the clutch cover off, squeeze the hand lever to see if the pressure plate is moving out away from the pucks and if is and also goes back down against them after you release the lever, if it does I would take a hammer and a small block of wood or another object that is softer than the metal, like screwdriver handle ect. and then put the wood/ plastic handle on the center of the star not that holds the pressure plate on and hit the wood/handle with the hammer just hard enough that it might knock it loose if it is stuck, It's possible that the shaft that that runs through the clutching system is stuck from old hard grease or rusted somewhere.

It is also possible that the bucking bar or 8mm ball that pushes on the shaft is stuck which is accessed by taking off the sprocket cover on the left side of the engine, if none of this is stuck then you could have a broken main clutch spring or it could have lost some of it's tension if the clutch lever was left locked back with full tension on that spring for a long period of time.

Check all the things I mentioned here and see if of this helps, I hope it's a simple fix and I'm suer someone else on here may have other ideas for you to try as well, this is just the first few things that come to mind as to what it could be.

Good luck and let us know what you find out on this.

See before I even get my mini book poste dwe already hyave another great suggestion............!

very good possibility Goat Herder....could have sheared the first time he dumped the clutch..

Check to see if the woodruff key on your engine out put sprocket is sheared.
Yep that should be easy to tell while the clutch side cover is off the bike, just let out on the clutch lever in the normally engaged position and push the bike while watching to see if it is turning, if not you have a sheared key probably.

Yeah if the sprocket is turning and the clutch embodiment is not there's the problem.

Here is a good read on the china 2 smoke clutch.
awesome references. thank you. i will get in there and take a look. are there any pics or diagrams on the woodruff key. i know its a little semi circle thing but i don't know how to get to it. i've done just about everything to the outside of the motor that could be done, but am little leary about the insides yet. i learn pretty well but with my lack of knowledge on the inner workings i didn't want to go in possibly break something and be left SOL.
not sure if my last post went up or not. anyway, i pulled the clutch plate cover and out comes a lot of rubber shavings combined with little ball bearings. the metal spring plate moved just fine though. i didn't go any further. not sure how bad this problem is. what causes this to happen. it would be nice to avoid in the future. starting to think about ordering a new motor and using the shot one for parts or to pull apart and find out how these things tick.
yeah i thought it was bad. is that from wear and tear. i tried to get in and pull ring gear off. took a nice chunk of skin off my middle finger in the attempt. from there i resigned it as scrap/spare parts. i wanted to save it if i could. went through **** to get it just right last summer. at this point i'm just gonna get a new motor. that new grubee super rat looks nice.