Clutch broken?


New Member
Hey guys so I have been experiencing this issue from day 1 with the bike. The clutch over time does not disengage. Every time I think the cable slipped I readjust it and the clutch is fine once again but after doing this multiple times I realize it’s not the cable as it’s in the same position. If I go on a long ride and park the bike and try to start the engine when I’m back the clutch won’t disengage to the point where I can’t pedal too start the bike. I had times where I’d had to drag the bike all the way home and then one day I just tried pushing the clutch arm in and somehow it just turn all the way it towards the engine and the back it’s was able to free roll once again but that should not even be possible. Any help would be appreciated I tried adjusting the clutch cable, the flywheel but I just can’t seem to fix this stupid issue. Thanks in advance.
The clutch arm shaft may be worn, it has a flat side that the bucking bar sits against. Pull the arm back to the normal position and see if the clutch engages again. If you have the flower nut too tight the internal clutch shaft spring may not have enough space between coils to compress.
I had a clutch cable on one bike that stretched badly before it broke, I replaced just the cable inside the housing, I greased the cable end to end before installing it. I never had that problem again.
The clutch arm shaft may be worn, it has a flat side that the bucking bar sits against. Pull the arm back to the normal position and see if the clutch engages again. If you have the flower nut too tight the internal clutch shaft spring may not have enough space between coils to compress.
I checked the clutch arm a while ago and it’s not worn down at all and I’ve already adjusted the flywheel thinking that was the problem but still no fix.
I had a clutch cable on one bike that stretched badly before it broke, I replaced just the cable inside the housing, I greased the cable end to end before installing it. I never had that problem again.
I haven’t tried this yet but what would be the key indicators that this is the problem and not something else. Thanks.
At first the clutch got hard to pull in, then I had to keep adjusting the clutch just as you have. I have learned to remove every cable and grease it while putting a bike together.
It’s not your problem but tell you what you have.
Just checked out the post and as for greasing the cable it’s not that the clutch is harder to pull in but if I’m trying to disengage it, it starts slipping over time and the back tire won’t free roll. I read a post about a bearing seem being stuck but that would mean the clutch wouldn’t work at all right? Cause mine works but needs readjusting every ride.
$8. gets new bucking bar, cam lever & ball bearing. Looking at these parts that all have to work together isn't the answer. These parts may look fine but the three of them combined will be more than enough to cause problems. Where the bucking bar makes contact with the ball bearing some concavity wear may show. Also the housing that holds the clutch arm in place may have excessive wear to the case housing causing the cam to contact the bucking bar at a very slight angle & this also increases friction on the opposite end of the bar. A few points of miniscule wear at multiple points can result in a clutch that won't function. That little cover plate is also just a few bucks. Install parts and readjust clutch if that's not the solve then you move to the pressure plate side to search for buggers...use plenty of lube on all the bucking bar assembly components, they wear out quickly when run dry at both ends of the bucking bar rod.

Let us know how it's coming these tiny clutches take a beating from most China girl riders & fixing problems often requires replacement parts. I put about $ 30. worth of parts in a clutch a few years ago and that covered every internal component of the clutch (including the components previously mentioned) except for the large gear and pressure plate. One hour labor and it was running fine. I never knew what the problems were but I'd wasted several hours over several days trying to solve the problem with adjustment, when the real problem was worn out. I suspect the $8. parts would have fixed the problem but I was tired of jacking with it!

The first $8. is what I would try first and normally will solve clutch problems that are non adjustment related when a clutch won't release the pressure plate from the clutch pads. if that's not good for a fix order the rest including the large gear bearings.

Wish you a quick and easy fix!

Rick C.
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