New Member
I just got my schwinn stingray chopper project done. it took a while to get used to it. very different than a cruiser or mountain bike. ive got a 66cc, with fancy tailpipe that shoots out the back im using a two wheel tensioner system for the chain, its a larger chain i think 410, not the real big 415..i built a 26 inch wheel for the front, to make the bike look bigger and add a little pedal clearance. its got craploads of torque, but suffers at topspeed. it will manhandle a steep hill faster than a cruiser .. i havent clocked it with a speedo yet but i plan to. it feels like it tops out around 20mph or so, but at wide open throttle i get these huge vibrations that shakes the whole bike and my poor arms lol it really kicked up my carpal tunnel syndrome from reving it up like that today. i know that it still has to be properly broken in and everything, but i wonder what i can do to calm these vibrations down, more rubber? maybe if i get the vibrations down i can add a couple more mph's to the top speed. anyone have a chopper that vibrated you half to death at w.o.t.? what did you do about it?