New Member
So far, no ignition coil has been recovered from the depths of its epoxy-filled grave we call the CDI module, so we don't know any specifics about it, except for its secondary coil resistance.
Just for ****s and giggles, I might take you up on this challenge as I have some time, some abrasive files, and whatnot, and I'd like to see a replacement made for this.
I was enjoying the **** out of my bike until it quit working, now it will not fire. I've gone through the carb, checked everything, and it will not light. I am figuring that the electronics went to **** on the CDI and I would like to install a better one that is more reliable. I was thinking of finding a similar replacement that is sold off the shelf for an ATV or something like that.
Anyway, if I get to it, I will try to post something about it. I am without camera now, so have no way to post pics, but I would love to compare what I have with what you all have posted.