cheap tires for friction drive

I would change out from friction drive all together Deacon.
It is to your benefit to use another type of drive setup. if you still are set to keep it on the front tire, then try a belt drive over the friction, your tires will last longer and your control will be enhanced greatly.
Or you could mount it towards the rear and do a belt drive as well.
Just fuel for thought.


can I do both? friction + belt as a add on?
I've looked all over for cheap tires- the wally world here is now out of the really smooth bell cruiser tire and has these with a lozenge pattern- if that makes sense- the pattern only is raised a hair off the tire and I think it would work for a friction drive... I may buy one a my back up replacement. I've decided that I'm going to mount a friction drive on my old really nice Schwinn MTB. I don't ride it so it's just collecting dust. My plan is to get the major parts of the drive set up this weekend. I have a feeling it will be a tad faster than the Madwagon and as much fun to ride!

Target only carried MTB tires- way to rough for my needs.

The KMart around here is out of my way and I haven't checked the bike shop selection- you can always sling it- put one shoulder and you head through and carry it home that way:p

how did those bell white walls hold up btw we may have the same throttle and tires now lol I got the same throttle you got in the
You realize this is a very old thread? The best tires I have found for FD are the common 2.125 cruiser tires due to their almost flat tread profile.
You realize this is a very old thread? The best tires I have found for FD are the common 2.125 cruiser tires due to their almost flat tread profile.
yep found me the best deal 11 for 2 paires pf white walls.
just got the tube exchanged, but frustrated cause of ebay backup, in addition yhe peg I cannot track. eiyher way friday I am driving. I am going to rethead the previous peg at work so at least I can look respeftqbpe driving away.