I bought a Walbro WYK-57-1 off ebay, It is 1mm larger than my OE, 11mm, vs 10mm is significant volume wise, but was a very easy install with minimum porting. This was awhile ago, and while waiting I was scheming how I might dyno the motor instead of running up and down the road a couple miles at a time in wildly varying conditions. Then the lights came on! Remembered my Minoura rim trainer on my basement bike. Gosh that was too easy! My new carb has adjustable HI and LO screws. So I set the rim trainer up for max resistance, and tuned it according to MPH, and exhaust temp. I actually put over 20 miles on the trainer in third, fourth, and fifth gears. Being able to focus 100% on the engine allowed me to see the error of my top gearing as well, so I swapped out 4th and 5th cogs the following week to tighten the 4th and 5th shifts. Went from 16T/13T, to 17T/15T, quite a drop in 5th. But, with the larger carb and closer ratios on top, I'm getting near 8000 RPM, and 30MPH, plus it pulls headwinds and rollers much better now. Finished off my first gallon of fuel at 160 miles, but that is all testing, time will tell, but commuting should easy on gas. Spring is in the air!