chasing down the bog


New Member
i just built a new bike. i got the carb tuned somewhat and it idles great but im chasing another problem. the engine fires like a champ easy start and idles well but at the top end the engine bogs down i have moved the little retainer pin on the needle to several different positions and nothing seems to change i thought maybe it was eletrical like the plug wire was vibrating off at higher rpms so replaced all that but still bogging down. im kind of lost on this one so any suggestions would be greatly apprecicated thanks in advance
aye thats what i thought originally re did all the wiring and replaced spark plug wire with one that connects much better then the stock crap and no change. the only thing i did different was i put a inline fuel filter on this one might pull it off and see if thats the culprit thanx
You are probably experiencing a fuel problem. Not uncommon with these things. The petcock doesn't always flow enough. The vibrations wreak havoc with the float too.

Best bet is to double check the float setting, and if all else fails, don't run it wide open too much!
I agree, it is most likely a fuel problem. At WOT, you're mostly relying on the size of the jet I believe. Have you checked the color of your spark plug?
the plug is oily but im runnin rich for break in ill thin it out and see if what happens gotta stay out of the garage for a couple of days though the old lady is givin me grief burning too much night time hours tweakin and turnin wrenches. LOL thanx again guys for all the info dont know what id do without the forum it has saved me so much time with other troubleshooting in the past and i know it will in the future.wee.:-||
You are probably experiencing a fuel problem. Not uncommon with these things. The petcock doesn't always flow enough. The vibrations wreak havoc with the float too.

Best bet is to double check the float setting, and if all else fails, don't run it wide open too much!

Like Joe says, vibrations wreak havoc. Check motor mounts have not loosen up on you.
the plug is oily but im runnin rich for break in

Wells there's your problem :)

What mix are you running?

Once you get 50mi or so on the motor, go ahead and thin it out to 24:1 or 32:1 and get a new plug. It'll probably be a little easier to tune after that.
aye im an runnin 20 to1 for the break in as for the plug its the one that came with the kit and since i promised to stay out of the shop for a while to keep my marriage goin i havent pulled it to see which plug it is. as we all know its a roll of the dice of what comes with these kits, this paticular engine is one of kings limited and i have to say the components on this kit are superior to some of the other ones i have built thanks again guys this weekend ill try out all your suggestions
The plug is probably the normal mystery Chinese plug. I would get a few NGK B6HS or B5HS, and a new plug wire. It's always good to have extra plugs on hand.
aye im an runnin 20 to1 for the break in as for the plug its the one that came with the kit and since i promised to stay out of the shop for a while to keep my marriage goin i havent pulled it to see which plug it is. as we all know its a roll of the dice of what comes with these kits, this paticular engine is one of kings limited and i have to say the components on this kit are superior to some of the other ones i have built thanks again guys this weekend ill try out all your suggestions

I hear you on the marraige thing!!lowriderl.duh.

These single popper POS's are very dependent on sparkie plugs. Get a good NGK plug, get a good wire. Try that for a bit. It may or may not solve the bog thing, but at least the simple spark issue can be eliminated as a cause.

Then you can chase fuel delivery…..make sure your fuel valve really flows.

Then you can go after air leaks, case leaks, HG leaks….if not that, then maybe your jet is too large or your needle has a funked up taper…..

Eliminate all that and then go back to more remote spark issues.
.flg.Hey Mike, nice job on the build. Just a bit of info that may help ya. If you're running the plug that was provided in your kit, remove it and toss it. They are of poor enough quality to shatter during operation and will ruin your motor. Get an NGK and gap it on the wide side, .035-.040 to help rid the WOT bog/shutter and pwr loss. As for the needle setting and c-clip placement, it won't change your WOT perf. only jetting will change perf. I use red thread lock on all critical areas, as it becomes redundant trying to cinch the bolts every time you ride, let alone losing 'em. Good Luck.cptr.
aha i found the culprit. it was a fuel flow issue. i redid my fuel line with the in line fuel filter closer to the tank and now it runs like a champ. the fuel filter was about half way down the fuel line and it was causing a hiccup in the fuel flow for lack of better words. thanks again for all the info you guys are great. the schwinn stingray spoiler is running like a bat out of ****
