Chain Stretch???

I posted a picture a long time ago. Not sure on here if I can find it as some older stuff has been deleted. Anyway a box of the chain I bought and use about half of it being about 4ft. After a while I removed the piece of #35 chain I was using on a section engine to jackshaft. I placed it inline next to unused chain from the same purchase. Counting the pins equally on both used and unused chain, I saw only a very little distance between the last counted set of pins. I estimated it to be like a pin an a half of stretch.

It was hard to keep the chains side by side, but maybe with some rubber bands of equal pull keeping both in a straight line could be done.

At times I have had trouble with chain trying to kink or climb up a tooth on a sprocket, but found it to be alignment of sprockets and the chain. I had seen where posts on how to build an use an alignment tool to assist seeing what is adjustment is needed.