CDI test - help verify my results

Right now I'm actually wondering it basically charges on the + pulse from the magneto, and then the - signal from the magneto is the extra "trigger" pulse. That seems like it could be logical, but I can't seem to find any info on anything similar.

Any ideas on what kind of ignition mowers use?
How to make this test work: tie spark plug threads to black wire,
Find a 9 or 12 volt AC TO AC adapter (not AC to dc) and a attach blue wire to one side of the plug (yes plug end) and the black wire to the other.
Now use your 9 volt to pulse the output wires of the transformer. If it doesn't work at first reverse the battery.
Magneto actually generates between 10 and 100 volts At blue wire, 6 at white wire (9/12 volt transformer raises voltage)
cdi needs negative pulse to fire. ( transformer creates positive and negative spike( I think))

video: Note that I used a 12 volt ac to dc adapter in place of a 9 volt battery as my 9 volt was dead.

if you want to have a better tester and some fun at the same time use a second 9/12 volt ac adapter to derive the first one form an outlet, as shown in 2nd video.

2nd video:

I ran this setup for an hour and had no problems, the cdi was fine, the adapters were slightly warm.

Note driving the cdi directly from a 120 volt outlet might work, but is much more dangerous as the 2 transformers limit the current to about 25 mA, compared to 15 A. (actual current depends on adapters.)

This test has proven many cdis good and a few bad in the past year or so. The voltage at the blue wire es equivalent to running your motor at full speed, so it can miss a dieing cdi sometimes.
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