Can't find clip in crankshaft

*skids to a stop or wrecks*

Maniac gives some sage careful. I've had engines lock-up, but have been very quick on the clutch so haven't had a problem with skidding. It is a consideration though. When your engine locks-up, it's like applying full-brakes to the rear-wheel. Be prepared to hit the clutch to free it.
I'm still sold on Slogger's idea of removing the rotor and then try fishing around with your magnet fisher and shaking, banging etc.

I'm convinced it is hung up in the rotor's field.

Also, consider the educational value of splitting the case.

No harm in buying another kit and "fixing" your original motor later because these things are so much fun you'll probably want to build another one anyway.

Ideally, you'll get that damn clip out now because I can't stand the suspense.
Took magnet off no luck!! Ordered me a new kit yesterday only putting engine part on! Hope I don't screw this up! Thanks guys I tried all of your suggestions no luck must be the gremlin!
Maybe too late for a reply, but here it is!
A buddy of mine had this happen.
We simply removed engine, turned upside down, and slowly rotated crank shaft 360 degrees while inspecting internals.
Then shook engine, and repeated...
About the 3rd shake, the clip stuck to the flywheel (due to oil film), and presto!
Clip was carefully removed.

Anytime I do remove the cylinder, and prior to removing a piston clip, I insert a clean lint free cloth in crankcase, so that IF I drop a clip, it wont go inside engine!

Good luck and give it a try!

I think youll find it to be an easy fix, but preventable in the future!
Obviously you've never dropped anything on my garage floor. Not only do they disappear but they travel into another dimension. :(

I've dropped small objects and watched them disappear right in front of my eyes never to be seen by human eyes again.

I'm a firm believer in Garage Gremlins and what they can do.

I have one that lives in my garage that I've named, 'Stupid SOB'. Whenever he hides a tool or a small part I say, "Okay, you stupid SOB, what did you do with it?"

He knows his name and I'm sure he sits in the rafters laughing at me as I struggle to locate whatever it was that he took and hid. He's devious and sometimes waits until I turn my back or look away from my work and that's when he climbs down and steals away with my small but precious item that he knows I'll need in the next few minutes.

Sometimes he takes them, hides them then after he's watched me search fruitlessly for an hour, he'll put it back exactly where I've looked several times. He's cruel and get's his jollies watching me suffer.

Stupid SOB. I have no doubt that the OP has a Garage Gremlin that took that clip and is watching, probably reading this thread and laughing his butt off.


Bahahaha! Man, this is soo true....... you're not the only one that has an invisible parts thief running around just waiting for you to drop a small part on the floor.