Can a motorized bike do this???

urban trials? that was amazing!

yeah, the Ruckus is beautiful. one of the coolest things on the road, but i was surprised by the 50cc engine. (you do realize that the one in the picture is stretched and modified?)
I certainly hope none of my bikes do that because it will mean i had a heart attach and it has run wild with a corpse still attached.,
Mad skills.

Gear your bike WAY down low. It can do some fun stuff. Ask me how I know this.....(no not like a trials bike, but it can be geared even lower....)
urban trials? that was amazing!

yeah, the Ruckus is beautiful. one of the coolest things on the road, but i was surprised by the 50cc engine. (you do realize that the one in the picture is stretched and modified?)

yeah... when I look at something to buy, I look at what it could be... I can't leave anything alone. I like making things my own...personalized???
I truely belive I have the honor of being in some of the best company on this earth :) Anyone who is blessed by such caring people are cool with me!
Ah, keep yer shorts on, I just had a tender moment. I love my bike.
My brother in law just seen the vid... he now want's a motor on his Mountain bike...for off road trail use.... How do HT 2 strokes handle off road conditions? I know I'll need to gear low like Pablo said, and I'll use a livefast hub clamshell adapter for the sprocket...but can the motor handle all the bumping around?
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Yeah, low gears do some crazy things on these motored bikes.. My Rotten Orange will pull a wheelie if im not careful with the throttle.