Hey, I am new to the foruma and the art of motorizing bikes but I am very interested.
I am going to build a powered scooter or bike but am unsure which type of engine I should use. I was thinking along the lines of either a whipper snipper (weed wacker) or chainsaw engine and I am still deciding whether to use a chain drive or spindle drive. I was thinking about a spindle drive with springs attached to a foot pedal. I really want to use an offroad style scooter that I have had from a kid. It has 16" wheels. I also have an old greenfield vertical shaft mower but it seems to be useless to me unless I can make a 90 degree thing which I can't. A chainsaw motor should go well with a chain drive with its centrifugal clutch. I might pick one up today in town. Any ideas for me. I do not know how to attach a throttle but I have a honda four wheeler that I can use for parts. Could I use a thumb throttle off that? I don't know how I would use it.
I am going to build a powered scooter or bike but am unsure which type of engine I should use. I was thinking along the lines of either a whipper snipper (weed wacker) or chainsaw engine and I am still deciding whether to use a chain drive or spindle drive. I was thinking about a spindle drive with springs attached to a foot pedal. I really want to use an offroad style scooter that I have had from a kid. It has 16" wheels. I also have an old greenfield vertical shaft mower but it seems to be useless to me unless I can make a 90 degree thing which I can't. A chainsaw motor should go well with a chain drive with its centrifugal clutch. I might pick one up today in town. Any ideas for me. I do not know how to attach a throttle but I have a honda four wheeler that I can use for parts. Could I use a thumb throttle off that? I don't know how I would use it.