BrettMavrik's Production Bobber Frame For Sale

Thanks, man!

-The goal here was to create a simplified bobber style frame that has better fitment for riders of all sizes. Something that has cool looks, slick lines, and captured the rigid bobber/chopper conversions
of the 60's and 70's. A motorized chopper bicycle with style, that solved all the problems of motor fitment, had options like a jackshaft for multi-speeds, and other unique ideas and parts that I can dream up, and push myself to express my creativity both mechanically and artistically;
And most of all, with performance as key.
Then when it's all done, make this frame and accessories available, affordable, and easy for anyone who wants to ride out in smart style...
I am almost finished with Number One.
Once I am and everything is tested, it will be uploaded on my website with prices and options
coming very soon.
Hang in there...


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Hi Brett, I´d like to know the distance between wheel axes.

I like long MB frames like yours.

See You in the Road !!!
Didn't get much done over the Fourth.
I'm dismantling the bike today to clean up for paint.
The color of the frame is going to be a metallic acrylic
called "Brushed Aluminum". Then there will be white and blue
accents here and there.
So this is what the bike looks like now.
When I return to this post with photos, the bike will be painted
and put back together, and I will have the website loaded with photos and prices.

In the mean time, if you have any questions about this production bike let me know.
Back in a little while... =-]'



The frame is painted and cleared.
I'm working on painting the engine Candy Blue, and other parts either Candy Blue or White today.

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I have white old school motorcycle grips coming, a chrome throttle assembly, and White cable housing for the brakes, clutch & throttle. I'm going to paint the calipers blue as well. I'm going to build a shorty sissy bar /support for the rear fender out of round bar to resemble the "roll bar" that the Cobra had coming out of the body behind the seat.


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Brett you got Class man.......Class I tell you!! I am so happy with how it turned out. So did you guys do away with the HT motor idea, and go with a morini?

Nope, that's an HT motor in special high temp paint.
Morini's are the excellent option for what I'd like to see performance wise.
They are way out of most everyone's budget however. I'd love to have one
in my posession eventually and put it on one of my bikes. So, the HT is the
chosen motor for me for now, and that is what the production frames
will be built for.


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