brand new to computers

Wow Tom. I gotta thunk on this but wow. Email a cad drawing and parts get made. You are right. not far off and bet we see it in our life times. Or draw it and hit "enter" and a lath starts cutting your parts. Again, wow.

I am making the thing we spoke of on the phone out of a TP cardboard roll and pencils just so you would get a visual. If one could send a drawing and have it made!

Is possible now but I mean for the casual inventor/designer, shade tree mechanic kinda guy like me
Wow Tom. I gotta thunk on this but wow. Email a cad drawing and parts get made. You are right. not far off and bet we see it in our life times. Or draw it and hit "enter" and a lath starts cutting your parts. Again, wow.

I am making the thing we spoke of on the phone out of a TP cardboard roll and pencils just so you would get a visual. If one could send a drawing and have it made!

Is possible now but I mean for the casual inventor/designer, shade tree mechanic kinda guy like me

I think that there is such a thing already. Well at least it will sculpt a 3D model. Can't remember where I saw it, somewhere on the web a couple years ago.
Dan,off track here for a minute but how are you healing?


Thank you so much Steve. I am well but with some ugly parts! lol. Really, all good and on the mend. I have to work on this but gonna do an essay on this. A neighbor scooped me and the bike up and ever since, our dog (Shelly "roof" ((if you ask her, her name, she barks)) is 2 funny, snork) follows me around and tries to lick my wounds threw bandages and or clothing. She is big time "Momma's girl" and unless I had a treat or food, she followed Mom around. Just odd behavior for her. Think I need to get my dog a kitten. ('cause if she don't stop licking me, I are gonna scream!) lol

Will expand and bore later. But really, for a minor type crash, was a few cool things learned.

Big time, thanks for asking Steve.

Just read them Steve, So funny. (The later parts) The "know when it's time for more food, when you can't see the cats tail any more" cracked me up!