I was pretty lucky, having to "relearn" about bikes starting in 2005, that some neighbors bought 3 identical Sun Retro7's, and they had a barnful of bikes kept from their youthful days. 2 of them now race dragsters, it was a quick source of tips/tricks to get these bikes super sturdy.
I've gotten into the habit of making my rear brakes "soft", for slowing down, and front "hard", for actual stopping. Out here in the country stop signs are kind of a technicality anyway, but a rider quickly can get in the habit of using the right hand for MOST actions, keeping the left available for turn signals.
Since 2 out of 3 installs are on brand spanking shiny new bikes, I can wear down and seat the pads at the same time as breaking in the engine.
And I actually prefer the side pulls on the 2 Sun models I buy, the cantilevers sometimes get in the way of a GEBE install (but maybe thats just me)