Hey guys, this is a bit off topic but I could use some advice. I just bought a cheapish bike off craigslist for the Grubee Skyhawk 66cc I ordered. Both front and back use the center pull cantilever brakes.
I adjusted the rear ones so they are just barely off the rim and make contact with a slight pull of the lever. The problem is even when I squeeze the brakes extremely hard they don't stop my bike. Just slow me down some. At first I thought it might be due to old brake pads, which I
am going to replace. But after reading about
Mechanical Advantage I wonder if the problem is actually coming from the angle of my traverse cable, giving me not enough mechanical advantage. I'll have to try lowering the yoke cable so the traverse cable is closer to horizontal, but I have doubts since the reflector (that I'm assuming is stock) would then be in the way.
My second problem is the front brakes squeal like mad. I've heard many times (including in this thread) that the way to fix this is by having the front of the pad make contact with the rim first. With these brakes I see no way to do that. Perhaps I need to overhaul my brake system entirely?
let me know what you guys think.