Black Sabbath


MB Builder Extraordinaire
I want to churn out a few of the bike you see below, but I'm not sure what kind of response I'd get. especially after just giving away a bike for $375, because it sat in the garage for a month. :eek:

i built one like this for a friend in tucson a year ago, (it was SWEET!) and the thing is with these, there's quite a bit more tweaking/aligning/and some welding. plus, the 70-spoke wheels mean redrilling all sprocket mounting holes, and cutting rubber spacers out of steel-belted conveyor belt. may not seem like too much of a nightmare, and it isnt....just takes up valuable time (which is always in short supply). stretch cruiser MB's can turn into a two-day fiasco.

since im not able financially yet to buy wholesale, retail w/shipping for both the bikes and motorkits to me, come up to $564...unassembled. your opinions, what do you think a fair price would be?


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Re: market for stretch cruiser MB's?

Hi Spunout. That is a sweet lokin' ride!

Just my way of doing one at a time or specialty orders is a flat 20% on top and look for the best deal.

If ordered at one unit at a time, I first try to work a deal with the distributer. Is very true, almost any one will nagosheate (sp, I am so far off even google is going "wut?") a bit even if they are not selling you 1,000 units at first. The hope of bigger sales to you later is cause enough to get most folks to at least talk to you. If you get the price down the 20% then add it as your commission, your in line with the market and keeping a roof over you and yours.

The 20% rule is my own and not in any way an accepted standard by any one but me. I am as bad at math as I am with spelling. snork
Re: market for stretch cruiser MB's?

nagosheate (sp, I am so far off even google is going "wut?")
howdy, dan-

hahahahahaha rotfl. man, it takes a little doin' these days, to get me a'grinnin'. well done, sir (^).

your post was certainly good advice. i just dont want to sit on a bike for months, waiting for it to sell.
Re: market for stretch cruiser MB's?

Beautiful bike! I only sell mine in my city but the bike I would think might go for $500.00 to the right person. I get my bikes, all 10 of em' at Wally World and Academy. My kits at Hope to afford bikes like that soon. A Point Beach sells for 157.94 here.(c)
Re: market for stretch cruiser MB's? your opinions, what do you think a fair price would be?

I would not think in terms of "fair Price", I would think in terms of "Demand".

People do not know a lot about these bikes. when they see them, they are a novelty item at best. If you say it costs $1200.00 you will 90% of the time get a reply like "Oh that much".

If you tell them its $475.00, you will get more replies like "I gotta have one."

Bike $160 - Engine kit $200 - Mark up 30% = $466.00

Now cut a deal on the bike and engine kits to lower initial costs and you have your profit. Do more expensive bikes on order!!!

Just my opinion -
Re: market for stretch cruiser MB's?

yeah, two walks, i see what you're saying. i'm doing the $495 bikes at 1-2 per week. thats all i have time for.

for the stretchers with a 30% mark-up, we're at $733.20. add $150 to ship. thats almost 900bux. i dont see any of these selling.
i think i'll build one for myself, and then build others 'on order' like u said.
Re: market for stretch cruiser MB's?

Spunout, ask supplier to put your company name on shipping label. For one at a time sales, use the distributer as a "drop shipper" that way you don't have to pay for shipping to you or sit on product. You buy it first hand, but ship to end consumer. That and you have a bigger inventory then you are paying to warehouse. Shave 20%, make a profit but above all else offer a good deal so you sleep well with no worries.
Folks shop by price but they stay with a company that looks out for them and makes them feel like they are part of a larger thing.

Thanks for the laugh, I waz feeling estupid, snork. All about the fun. Man I love this place.
Re: market for stretch cruiser MB's?

One thing I do is have my laptop in my backpack when I'm going to an area that a sale is possible and do the transaction over the internet. Not too many folks carry 5-6 hundred in there pocket, but everyone has that "plastic Magic" :) I will even sell the one I am on and take the "bus" home! rotfl
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Re: market for stretch cruiser MB's?

One thing I do is have my laptop in my backpack when I'm going to an area that a sale is possible and do the transaction over the internet. Not too many folks carry 5-6 hundred in there pocket, but everyone has that "plastic Magic" :) I will even sell the one I am on and take the "bus" home! rotfl

LOL! I not only have done that, but sold my first build and walked home. SNork!! The guy who bought my bike was on his way to a bike show and thought they would laugh at a MB. $450 and he was 35 short. I told him a hearty FU and he suddenly found the 35. We were at the local hardware store.
Re: market for stretch cruiser MB's?

I am very fond of the stretch cruiser bikes. I've built a couple. I am however not fond of Micargi. Nice looking bikes but....the just dont hold up. I have two cracked frames. My first bike (the red one in the header) cracked around the crank housing and now the second one cracked around the head tube. maybe I have got a couple lemons by chance but I am done with Micargi.
I do like the ride of the stretch so I have ordered a Greenline BC 103 26'' Greenline BC-103 Chopper Springer Stretch Beach Cruiser Bike Berry The dimensions are the same as the Micargi's, the cost is less and hopefully the welds are sufficient to hold up to the demands of cruising at 35MPH.
As far as marketing goes....I have had several offers on my bike ($700-$1000). It is a conversation piece.
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Re: market for stretch cruiser MB's?

Spunout, ask supplier to put your company name on shipping label. For one at a time sales, use the distributer as a "drop shipper" that way you don't have to pay for shipping to you or sit on product. You buy it first hand, but ship to end consumer. That and you have a bigger inventory then you are paying to warehouse. Shave 20%, make a profit but above all else offer a good deal so you sleep well with no worries.
Folks shop by price but they stay with a company that looks out for them and makes them feel like they are part of a larger thing.

Thanks for the laugh, I waz feeling estupid, snork. All about the fun. Man I love this place.
I didnt know about using them to drop-ship *JUMP SHIP!!*, and thats a heck of an idea. thanks for that. SnOrK.

I am very fond of the stretch cruiser bikes. I've built a couple. I am however not fond of Micargi. Nice looking bikes but....the just dont hold up. I have two cracked frames. My first bike (the red one in the header) cracked around the crank housing and now the second one cracked around the head tube. maybe I have got a couple lemons by chance but I am done with Micargi.
I do like the ride of the stretch so I have ordered a Greenline BC 103 26'' Greenline BC-103 Chopper Springer Stretch Beach Cruiser Bike Berry The dimensions are the same as the Micargi's, the cost is less and hopefully the welds are sufficient to hold up to the demands of cruising at 35MPH.
As far as marketing goes....I have had several offers on my bike ($700-$1000). It is a conversation piece.

thats your bike ive seen at the top of the page....nice!
thanks for the 411 re:micargi. you're not the only one thats said that.
thats a good bike link....300bills w/shipping. i found this one: Skateboards and Longboards from which, is also greenline. $267 total with shipping. we've already knocked a hundred off, by using another bike.
using dan's idea about drop-ship, we can get it down even further.

i could see big offers for redb66's cruiser. nice work.
Re: market for stretch cruiser MB's?

It is early in the A.M. for me, so the old brain might not be working very well.:ride: sort of goes around in circles with little focus.

How do you Build a bike if you have it dropped shipped to the customer? They have the bike and you have the motor.
Re: market for stretch cruiser MB's?

It is early in the A.M. for me, so the old brain might not be working very well.:ride: sort of goes around in circles with little focus.

How do you Build a bike if you have it dropped shipped to the customer? They have the bike and you have the motor.

no no. its drop-shipped from factory to me, instead of from factory to 'joe's bike shop'. i pay joe's bike shop for the bike, factory sends it to me.
Re: market for stretch cruiser MB's?

no no. its drop-shipped from factory to me, instead of from factory to 'joe's bike shop'. i pay joe's bike shop for the bike, factory sends it to me.
Alright, now I get it. Normally drop ship is when you have the factory ship it to your customer. You are going to order direct instead of through a bike shop. This is how I order mine, unless you need a company account to order direct. If you know the company you will be purchasing from then by all means set up an account to be a distributor.
Re: market for stretch cruiser MB's?

I love the look of a nicely done stretched cruiser...the guy selling the attached cruisers are pricing them around 700 - 900.


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Re: market for stretch cruiser MB's?

DAAAAMN, vincent. whoever that guy is, he's not asking enough...there's a whole lot of custom fabrication done on those. more time went into those than i'd have.
Re: market for stretch cruiser MB's?

No not me... somebody posted his stuff before and I saved the pics... I'm just in awww with some of those bikes... its funny how a different seat, tank, cut fenders and an exhaust can totally change a bike. Here is the guys myspace page...OLDSCHOOLGARAGE

I'm definitely stealing ideas for my build though...
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Re: market for stretch cruiser MB's?

Gasp, pant,drool, My kind of bike! Sitting here looking at this Point Beach if it was three feet longer and a little lower. Never been the kind to run with the crowd. Choppers make my heart beat. Mod RedB66 would you post a pic of that streach bike so I can see it better. You got to have months of work and God knows how much $ in it. I want to build one for me. Black and chrome for me. There is a member with a green chopper that makes me have goose bumps. A chopper don't have to be big to be sweet!
Re: market for stretch cruiser MB's?

not sure if this is your cup of tea.... but if you're looking for lower and longer, a 90 degree bent springer will give you that effect... attached is my bike pre motor install... it's a different ride feeling but I kinda dig the front look???

Sorry for the thread jack....this should be the last one.


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