Black Sabbath

Re: market for stretch cruiser MB's?

the ultra-tall bars proved to be the throttle cable's nemesis. I cant find a vendor that has super-long ones for a reasonable price ($25.00 for 60" long, plus $14.00 to're out of your mind), so I made my own. Yeah, thats right....I spliced two together. dumb.

Anyway, just used a elec. wire connector. i crimped the heck out of it, and with all my strength, couldnt pull them apart. throttle cable doesnt have nearly that much stress, like the clutch cable. Left 1" of play on the throttle side of the red connector, for movement.

The pic of various metal bits-n-pieces, will be taken to the band saw, and drilled out for mounting, as soon as i have a few minutes to figure out whats-going-where.


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Re: market for stretch cruiser MB's?

How much did you spend for that bike, and how much do you think she will give you back?

oh yeah, skates on haight (carol) refunded $70 to my bank. thats what shipping would've cost them to take the bike back. since the red wheeled-bike was no longer available, it was either take what i got for $200, or send it back and have no bike.

they were gracious and professional about the whole thing.
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finally, i have internet again! when the in-laws go RV-ing, they 'take the internet' with them...something about wireless and satellite and laptop and so on and so forth.

ok, the mounts arent very pretty, but they work. hard rubber between all mounts and frame.

REAR: angled the iron to the correct degree, and used one muffler clamp, and one u-bolt. there's two pieces of radius aluminum there on the underside of frame, to prevent the clamps from putting 'pinch' pressure on the frame.

FRONT: i absolutely will not drill holes in the frame. interestingly enough, sprocket adapter plates had just the right hole distance.

the rear fender braces snapped into pieces within the first 20 miles. the front, however, have held up nicely. used fender rods for rear. re-drilled holes in fender, drilled holes for mounting. heavy-duty "L" bracket replaced the stock tab. stock tab broke as soon as i went up the driveway.

i'm waiting for loger cables, to attatch the ape-hangers, but the truth is that i'm kinda liking the drag bars. very uncomfortable, but they look cool. and as we all know, thats whats important :D.

still have some minor things to do...paint the jug and sand the fins. also, have a chopper=pipe that needs alot of bending.


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Welcome back Spunout. Is your chain dragging in pic #2?

thanx, and yes. i had just taken it out for a loooong test-beatin', and the chain stretched. moved the idler wheel down a little, and its ok. although, i would like to get a spring-loaded chain tensioner. i went to tractor supply this morning, and they dont have any in stock....need the part #

EDIT: ran a search, and found the part #'s
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I have been trying to think of a way to pre stretch whole length chains. Would make buying a pre-made MB a more attractive product. I only use a chain tensioner until chain is stretched on my MBs

Just a side note about internet. Drives me nutz when I can't connect!!!
I refurbish old PCs and give them to who ever is in need locally. Some are really poor and can't afford internet or folks who don't know if they want it. So I start them on AOL or any free trial dial up. If you cancel the day before trial period is over they extend it. It is not cheating as they really want you to try their product.

Even dial up is better then no internet at all for short periods. There are many. Burn the disk before you need it or local library. Or down load and don't activate until you need it.

Just a thought bud. aol free trial download - Google Search
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That place in Cali that was on MTV I forget who they are now are selling their bikes at $2500 and up. It's just slow right now with the economy but those stretch cruisers are cool to look at when someone rides even without an engine. Add an engine and look out. $800.00 with all the machining and work involved to get it SPOT ON with no chain worries as long as they don't get sideswiped some minimal adjustment and she'll last forever it's the fountain of youth man. $800.00 is a STEAL.
Hold on to that stretch as you build the 450 bikes. Someone will bite.
In fact,you can even put a 450 bike side by side to that stretch so the customer can actually see the extra work involved.