finally, i have internet again! when the in-laws go RV-ing, they 'take the internet' with them...something about wireless and satellite and laptop and so on and so forth.
ok, the mounts arent very pretty, but they work. hard rubber between all mounts and frame.
REAR: angled the iron to the correct degree, and used one muffler clamp, and one u-bolt. there's two pieces of radius aluminum there on the underside of frame, to prevent the clamps from putting 'pinch' pressure on the frame.
FRONT: i absolutely
will not drill holes in the frame. interestingly enough, sprocket adapter plates had just the right hole distance.
the rear fender braces snapped into pieces within the first 20 miles. the front, however, have held up nicely. used fender rods for rear. re-drilled holes in fender, drilled holes for mounting. heavy-duty "L" bracket replaced the stock tab. stock tab broke as soon as i went up the driveway.
i'm waiting for loger cables, to attatch the ape-hangers, but the truth is that i'm kinda liking the drag bars.
very uncomfortable, but they look cool. and as we all know, thats whats important

still have some minor things to do...paint the jug and sand the fins. also, have a chopper=pipe that needs alot of bending.