I, built a bike for a guy, ok, now he knows how to ride it get it going. The black plastic barrel in the carb seems to get stuck. I know now it goes correctly only one way, but it seems that it is "jumping out of the guides" that keep it moving freely, up and down.
Anyone out there having the same problem or has had experience with this?
Should I buy the rebuild kit, or use a different carb. The guy at Kings Motor Bikes says a bunch of carbs are interchangable for the 66/80 cc engine kit that I have. This seems to be a design flaw at this point, but I need to ask the guy what led up to the carb messing up. It was running fine and then this happened.
Any advice would be welcomed. Thanks to all the people that post on this forum. It truely is a great resource.
Anyone out there having the same problem or has had experience with this?
Should I buy the rebuild kit, or use a different carb. The guy at Kings Motor Bikes says a bunch of carbs are interchangable for the 66/80 cc engine kit that I have. This seems to be a design flaw at this point, but I need to ask the guy what led up to the carb messing up. It was running fine and then this happened.
Any advice would be welcomed. Thanks to all the people that post on this forum. It truely is a great resource.