Black Betty...

Front brake comes on the Mustang, and not on the Puma.

Its simple but very effective with the aluminum rim!

Not sure how long the pads will last, ...Ill keep you informed...I know there are better pads!

You are Brave! I cant imagine no front brake at all! Im getting up to 34MPH now (gps speedo), and still experimenting with different exhaust chambers.

Perhaps you could install a Mustang brake on your Puma???? Im not familiar with the Puma frame, but I bet you could install a typical front brake with ease!

Someday Id like to install a disc up there, mostly for looks.

If your Puma is like my Mustang front wheel, there is plenty of "meat" between the axle and the spoke ends. Someone sells a adapter that you can drill the hub and bolt on the adapter. Then a disc brake rotor bolts to the adapter! If I were you and decided to install a front brake, I would consider the disc adapter option.
Thanks for the info. It looks like both our front ends are the same. Since I'm gonna remove my rear fender installing at least a caliper brake out back should be really simple. I'm still breaking in my motor and I'm getting 28mph but I can tell it wants to pull faster but I'm not ready for over 30 right now I'm still working out some bugs.
Black Betty just hit 40 MPH for the first time!


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Must be good air in central Illinois tonight because my bike was sure running nice tonight as well. Sounds like next week it is back to the hot stuff.
Well, Black Betty did it again!

Another speed record today.

42.87 mph with leathers and helmet!


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Just got back from the Davenport Iowa antique motorcycle swap meet and races!

There were a few motorized bicycles in attendance (including black betty) , probably 100 antique bicycles, and thousands of antique motorcycles!

I took a few cell phone photos of some interesting motorized bicycles.

I will post them soon!
Sorry for the delay!
It took me a while to get caught up after being gone a few days.
Also hada heck of a time re-sizing photos....

Back to Davenport...
Here was a 1901 Unknown motorcycle. It was American, and was probably made by one of several hundered different manufactures at the turn of the centry. Eventually, Harley Davidson and Indian put the hurts on them, and most went belly up.


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I almost purchased this one to cut down a few tree's I have!
Notice the simple friction drive!
Im not sure if this one was even functional or not.
Interesting concept however!


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