Bill Nye (science guy?)


New Member
Feb 21, 2009
Momence, IL
I remember watching Bill Nye's show with my kids in the mid 90's. A nice, catchy show with a bow tie, lab coat-wearing, pencil-necked geek to teach children (and maybe their parents) something about science.
I love science, and approved of the show's concept.

But now Mr. Nye has proved to be less scientific than he appeared. Because the show was successful, this actor's opinion is given undue credence, especially when he is railing against fossil fuels and internal combustion engines.

A recent video of his suggests that Nascar (and all gas-burning?) cars should be replaced with electric cars. To save the planet. And because they would actually go faster. And they would be more enjoyable.

The physics involved in the refueling, and speed, and range of an internal combustion engine - compared with an electric car, is beyond my knowledge. But I bet that the electrics won't stand a chance if raced alongside the ICs. Maybe someday soon, but not now.

Why is this D-bag whining about Nascar when there is already a class for electric race cars? Formula E

Formula E is slow, and quiet, and boring. Should be just perfect for people that hate all the great things America loves.

Don't get me wrong. I love science, and the environment. I don't watch Nascar at all, but I love muscle cars and NHRA. LED light bulbs seem to be a better alternative to incandescent bulbs, so I am making the switch. Not because the government or their stoolies are forcing me.

Science is supposed to be about facts, data, numbers; not political correctness.

Bill Nye is a guy with a bow tie who tells a lie.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2012
sf bay area
I watched him too, as a kid.

He says that because it's politically correct nowadays to worry more about the planet than to think about ways to make people's lives more comfortable. Unfortunately this is the agenda of one side of the political spectrum, the side that envies those who can afford more luxury than they can. He's like the Chief of Science in Atlas Shrugged, who was a brilliant scientist in his younger days but gave in to the pressures of politically correct elites later on.

When it comes to the whole electric vs gas debate, it's kind of a clear win for gas. Economically the point is proven by just looking at the world, it runs on gasoline. Gas compared to electric considering modern technology and its costs is scientifically cleaner. Even though you get smog, what you don't get is coal plants, nuclear waste, dead battery waste chemicals (vs used oil?? big one here), extra energy required to manufacture large batteries. Also the technology of efficiently moving and refilling fuel is far superior with gasoline as compared to electric.

This stuff is apparent to me, and I ain't no scientist.

Environmentalists should be pushing for more efficient engine technologies and using more diesel fuel for its higher energy density. At least until we can find a way to fill an electric gas tank (battery) as fast as a gasoline one. Then there would be all the reasons to move the pollution away from populated areas.
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Active Member
Jul 29, 2012
Central Illinois
I'll give Bill this much benefit of the doubt;

Any suggestion that NASCAR ought to go electric was not going to get very far and I'll bet he knew it darned well. But maybe he was just trying to get ideas out there as 'food for thought' on the subject of whether or not the human race had better do something about resource depletion and pollution.

The electric NASCAR suggestion deserves little more than going straight into the circular file. But if it gets only a few people thinking about the bigger picture, then it has some value.

This also gets me to thinking about a question I've asked myself for years. Namely, how much credence should we give to celebrities when they're talking about something outside their normal field of expertise?

A famous example would be the Nixon administration's hostility to John Lennon over his public criticism of the Vietnam war.

Part of me would be inclined to say, "Look, John, I value you as a musician. You have no value to me as a moralizer or a shaper of public opinion. That's not your field of expertise. Stick to music".

But imagine that you're someone who is well known. You have fans who hang on anything you say. Do you have some sort of obligation to speak up over some matter that you conceive to be of public importance? Part of me says that the answer is yes.

So, on the question of whether or not Lennon should have shut up about Vietnam, I honestly can't decide for myself whether it's yes or no.

Bill Nye is a smaller fish, of course. He's said and done things I like. Stuff like electric Nascar......meh. I'm willing to just toss that in the garbage and forget about it. And time will tell whether he can remain credible based on the things he might say in the future.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
Santa Barbara, CA
Bill Nye actually holds no earned science degrees. He has several "honorary" degrees but that's it. He did get a degree in engineering. I think he is a bit nuts myself.


Active Member
Mar 17, 2012
North Bay
He's just a talking head on tv in order to stay relevant and collect speaking fees. The answer to the whole electric car conundrum is hydrogen fuel cells, a whole new branch of automotive engineering development, which has been stunted politically. In the current world climate the general populace aren't considered trustworthy to handle compressed hydrogen containers or even own a vessel containing one. The infrastructure has been tried out in CA and there are many automated filling stations through the state, but no hydrogen cars for sale to the general public. Maybe it's just the cost of the infrastructure holding it back, CNG cars are allowed on the road so why not H2? If H2 became the new fuel, internal combustion engines can use it with conversion, BMW has developed H2 engines for decades. Then, like Jay Leno says, "there will be more gas left for us", hopefully...


New Member
Jul 7, 2009
One reason why western civilization has been so successful is we value free speech. Although some foolish and evil things will be said, the public and leaders can usually recognize the wise and good. Overall, we are all better off. In other cultures, where a careless word can get you killed, good ideas are stifled. So, I say let the idiots speak.


New Member
Nov 27, 2015
concord, ca. usa
I keep trying to come up with sayings that sums it up in few words as possible(all started back in the late 70's with personalized license plates).
"America, It's History........."
use to sleep in the front yard at Grams, never locked a door, my mom use to smoke in Lucky's, could run and jump at the pool, could get in a fist fight and not be arrested, kids played outside until dark , use to be able to ride a bike or skate board at city hall, this list could go on for approx. 18 years , Aw! those were the days, and then boom political correctness sets in, people are all of suddenly allergic to peanuts, heads are now missing, Black Friday, people wantn' everything without putting blood, sweat and tears into it and still have the right to complain, THE Fargin Traffic LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
but hey this is why I build. I stay comfortable..........
I use to watch Bill and the last couple of times I had seen him on TV I changed the channel. well if he's a scieintist, i'm a bike builder ha ha ha! just another crackaloon
I miss George Carlin! He would be having a field trip with what is going on today.