Bike runs better when I turn off fuel valve ???


Hi there, I got an 80 cc motor I just installed and am barely braking it in. I have already ran a gallon and it has run rough the whole time. I am using 8 oz 2 stroke oil to a gallon for break in and I put a 68 size jet on the stock nt carb. I left the needle clip in the middle position and the bike has run like crap the whole time. Just last night as I was heading home riding I tuned off the fuel valve as I was riding and was surprised to see that the engine started to run great for a minute or so then it bogged down as it ran out of fuel. I opened the fuel valve to keep it going and closed it again to see what would happen and sure enough when I turn off the fuel the bike runs like a champ. By the way the fuel valve does what its suppose to as it is aftermarket quality sbp part. Any input on my situation would be greatly appreciated , thanks. :-||
Why not try moving the needle clip up a notch or two? Sounds like your motor likes to be leaned out! Mine is happiest on the leanest setting, but I am still running the stock jet on my NT. I need to move down like you did, methinks.
Does it leak fuel when not running? I've had needle valve stick with trash and it ran like garbage till I shut off fuel due to float sticking and fuel overflowing into carb throat. Made it a puking blubbering pig till it got cleaned out. (Fuel filter fixed problem)
Too much oil! And, don't keep riding and allowing the engine to lean out from fuel starvation. The only lubrication a 2 stroke gets is from the oil in the fuel mix. Shutting off the fuel flow and letting the engine run lean will make you think you're making more power and in a way it is because it is a lean/hot burn. But continued lean running will start to do damage to piston rings, cylinder walls and bearings.
Tune your carburetor, don't keep shutting off the flow of fuel.
What brand of oil are you using?

I run Klotz Technoplate, a 20:1 mixture calls for 8oz of oil. After 300 miles I switched to 6.4oz of oil to get a ratio of 16:1. The engine has performed flawlessly thus far. As the motor breaks in you should start noticing more power and better throttle response too.

I run this in my Zenoah powered R/C cars. I have/had motors that produce over 6.5hp and turn around 20,000rpm. This stuff has always been good to me. It smells good too.
Set the clip, second notch from the top after you re-jet the carb.

As 2door/Tom pointed out, you will eventually cook that engine if you keep running it the way you are.

I live in central Texas @ an elevation of 1240 ft ASL I soldered and re-drilled all my NT carb. jets with a #73 wire gauge bit and run the clip second from the top, all of my engines run real nice that way.

Hi there , Thanks for all replies. I got around to moving up the clip all the way to the top position which was away from the sharp end of the needle. I adjusted float to not be so near the top since I also noticed the carb is at a slight angle leaning towards the engine. I ran it and saw very little change if any. I took it home to check the plug and it looked very light brown. the bike motor has about 120 miles and seems very under powered compared to other builds I have done.
light brown is the right color for an engine thats already broken in, but for an engine that is still in the break in period, i think a chocolate color is what you should see, since you are using twice as much oil. if your carb is properly tuned, you will develop more power after break in. it sounds to me like your carburetor is flooding. your idle screw is probably not adjusted properly. they sometimes come from the factory that way. check your idle screw. thats the one on the carb with the spring behind it. it should be 3&1/2 to 4&1/2 turns out. check your manual for exact instructions.
the reason why it "ran like a champ" when you shut the fuel valve is because as the float bowl runs out of gas, the air-fuel ratio is leaning out.
an engine that's running lean will always make more power than one that's running rich.
but, you say that you put a 68 jet in it?
wow, that sounds way too lean in my opinion.
did you ever run it with the stock jet (which is usually around a 70)?
all engines are different, but 68 seems too lean...I'm running a 72 jet in one of my carbs, and a 74 jet in the other.
but as i said, no 2 engines will run the same with the same jetting.
it could be possible that your float level is set too high, causing the carb to slightly flood over, which would explain why it seems to be running rich with a 68 jet.
the way you describe things, it sounds like it's too rich (air-fuel rich, not oil-fuel rich) even with the 68 jet.
drop to a 32:1 fuel-oil ratio, check your float, put the stock jet back in, check for air leaks and put an ngk plug in it.
then, start all over with your tuning.
Hi there, Thanks for all replies. I went ahead and put back original stock jet on the nt carb and also moved the clip on the needle to the middle position. I took the bike for a test run and was surprized to see the bike was running good for the first time. Turns out the factory jet is just right for the the break in oil. I was hitting 30 mph on a windy day and noticed the engine now idles better than before. Thanks you all for the help.
I need help. Having same issue, when fuel valve open it runs like **** but when off after a bit it runs like it should. It's not the carb because I even swapped the carb out for another and does the same thing still. Any ideas?
I need help. Having same issue, when fuel valve open it runs like **** but when off after a bit it runs like it should. It's not the carb because I even swapped the carb out for another and does the same thing still. Any ideas?
Welcome to the Forum. How long have you had the bike? The valve may be faulty as in poorly made. You could drain the tank and observe the flow rate for a starter.

Well yeah but that wouldn't explain why it ran good for like a year straight and then all of a sudden it's too rich to even run at all? I don't know but that doesn't really make sense to me