Bike problem


New Member
My bike won’t start, the pistons are moving but it won’t fully start up, I’ve had this problem before and I just had to replace the spark plug but it happened again and this time it’s not the spark plug, if you can let me know if you’ve had this problem and how you fixed it that would be much appreciated
Welcome Aidan!
Not knowing what type engine you have we can only guess. 2 stroke? How do you know it's not the plug? Pull the plug out of the head then rest the plug on the head so as to create a ground to check for spark. Get a friend to hold the rear of the bike off the ground, release the clutch and pedal the bike by hand while checking the plug for spark. From limited info you give, I suspect an intermittent prob. Be sure the plug boot is gripping the plug well and at the other end is secure into the black box. Also check the engine wiring and kill switch wires.
More info needed before more assist can be given. Hopefully something simple. Get back after trouble shooting the above. Good Luck!
My bike won’t start, the pistons are moving but it won’t fully start up, I’ve had this problem before and I just had to replace the spark plug but it happened again and this time it’s not the spark plug, if you can let me know if you’ve had this problem and how you fixed it that would be much appreciated
take magneto off your bike and sand the engine block where it makes contact also change your cdi and check your magnet strength sometimes one side is stronger throwing things off