Bike builders that have machine tools/shops

I found the add that you fellas might be interested in on a chain breaker that looks pretty heavy duty. I spent more than
the price on this one that won't touch a 41 link without bending the press pin. Here's the link and information.


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Beans are starting to ripen here, moisture is going to be high with all the rain we have been getting, and some low fields will be a loss. Corn can wait until ground freezes but beans won't. Beans will shatter and be on the ground.
Beans are starting to ripen here, moisture is going to be high with all the rain we have been getting, and some low fields will be a loss. Corn can wait until ground freezes but beans won't. Beans will shatter and be on the ground.
What are you using to degrease the chain, mineral spirits? I have used lacquer thinner which can be reused since
it is real strong. The cheap way would be to use gasoline if outside ventilation is used however a safety solvent
would be better if it was new solvent. Safety solvent has gotten pretty expensive over the years and I use to buy it
in the 5 gal. cans at $35/gal. I'd hate to say what it costs now! I haven't bought any of it for over 20 years and still
have a solvent tank for it.

Yes, the corn can wait even till it snows but these fellas over here are always in a hurry and get things backwards.
They combine corn when they should be getting the beans out first. My relatives know which way to go, beans first
then corn if at all possible. This year's weather has screwed things up and if the beans are ready and it rains then
gets a hard freeze the pods pop open and then your crop is on the ground. Some old bad habits are hard to get
rid of too, like Fall plowing and a few of the fellas have gotten away from that.

This next week will probably be the last warm weather and a frost is suppose to hit the middle of the month. There
won't be many days to do any riding on the bike anyway at speeds over 20 mph without a windshield. There's a
lot of motorcyclists still running even though it's rainy and chilly out. I've got some mowing to get done and I hope
it will be the last time which I doubt. The leaves will be changing pretty soon and a nice warm calm day with sun
would be nice for a ride.
Brake cleaner form Wallyworld, fill a sealed container with enough cover the chain, and soak. about $3/$4 a can, should be enough left for a rince.............. Curt

That's the stuff I can't get along without, cheap, readily available and works great as a general purpose parts cleaner. Keep it off your hands and out of your lungs though.

Rick C.
I didn't think of gasoline degreaser until I read your post Dennis, I have used farmer degreaser many times and is really one of the best. A soaked article dries quickly, but I had a gallon of M.S. and didn't wait. I pulled the Diamond chain out of the M.S. and right into 296F wax. I'm letting it soak in the crock pot over night. I really appreciate your link to that wax Dennis. The other MB forum discussed a while back. It was Frankenstein that posted it and I copied it. But the real deal Speed Wax is a great find.
Brake fluid would work but it still needs to be cleaned off with a solvent and if there's any paint or overspray on the
chain it will remove it. The graphite I used cannot be removed using lacquer thinner or gasoline. I've had the stuff
on my hands and it is tough to get off I then new if the lacquer thinner couldn't attack it then a pure alcohol should
break it down and so I used it. The Speed Wax is the best way to go on these chains and I need to get some on
order. A good ole coffee can on a small electric stove should work for heating the wax as long as a fella is careful.
The plastic lid should help keep it clean when it has cooled down and put away for storage.
The other day I was in Walmart looking for a stainless steel container that would hold several ounces of gasoline
to act as a reserve fuel source. Everything I came across had plastic lids and I doubt that plastic would hold up
to gasoline without melting. I mowed yesterday and came across an old bottle of "SeaFoam" which has a aluminum
bottle. The bottle uses a safety locking lid which would prevent leakage. These bottles hold 16 oz. of liquid and
would give a fella a little distance if you ran out of fuel.

I've got to get a 1 gallon fuel tank on my bike since the engine uses more fuel than the 49cc. The engine mileage
is well down below the 100 mpg mark and gets a lot less mileage versus the 49cc bike engine. A good 1 gallon
fuel tank is what I need and the tanks available for sale at several of the sites are out of stock. Looks like I will
have to wait to locate one over the Winter.
How about a qt. can like paint remover comes in, or lacquer thinner? Most have metal caps......Curt
Curtis, some paint removers have WAX in them to hinder the evaporation of the nasty chemicals associated in them.
The nastiest paint, oil remover I have ever worked with which is now banned was heated Trichloroethylene used to
degrease machine parts at the GE plant, Bloomington, Illinois. This stuff removed the painted trays with parts on them
when the parts were dipped into a large vat from a chain hoist in less than a minute. There was a stain remover that
was sold to consumers called, "Energene" which was the same stuff! The EPA has banned it's use, taken from
Wikipedia; "Trichloroethylene is an effective solvent for a variety of organic materials." :eek:
Dennis, I know all too well about triclor. I apprenticed at Furnas Electric Batavia, Illinois and for a three month stint served in the Screw Machineshop adjacent to the plating shop doing electroplating Dichromate of selected parts. The fellows in the stripping and plating end of the building were doomed. The sight of one individual haunts me still.
The guys in the screw machine shop wanted me to stay with them and mind you it was a good grounding in turning machine practices but I knew better than to forsake my trade as a Tool and Die Maker.
Back in the shop briefly to add the primary drive chain into the wax then turned off the heat . Sunday I will free both chains wipe them and mount them on the Flyer.
All left to do is break the Diamond chain right length and mount it on the Flyer.